Tag Archives: Thailand

That Sri Lanka (Or For That Matter The Maldives Nor Thailand) Makes This ‘Best Beaches In The World’ List Seems Strange.

by Anura Guruge
on February 28, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. For CNN original.

Yes, yes, I appreciate that this is BUT a ‘Tripadvisor’ poll & their polls are not that representative. It also, of course, depends on the number of people writing reviews & taking part in the poll. With COVID the financial crisis tourism to Sri Lanka has dropped in the last few years & that also has to be a factor.

I haven’t been to Sri Lanka, the Maldives or Thailand of late, but I know that they have some world-class & duly celebrated beaches. Hence my skepticism on seeing this list.

I used to write a LOT of reviews for Tripadvisor BUT I stopped when I saw that they were reluctant to post bad reviews. That is not right. That is not cricket. So, their lists no doubt are skewed.

I am interested in seeing what you think. Yes, I am sure Brazilian beaches are a LOT of fun. So, I have no gripes with that. ICELAND? Do you have to wear a parka & gloves? Interesting.

‘Thai Massage’ (2022) ‘Netflix’ Movie — Tackling ED The Indian Way (With Raw Onions) Rather Than ‘Viagra’.

by Anura Guruge
on January 9, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click image to access the ‘Netflix’ page for this comedy.

Click image to access ‘IMDb.com’ listing.

Watch the YouTube trailer.

Definitely a QUIRKY comedy. You have to be into SUBTITLED Indian-movies & have a slightly offbeat (e.g., ‘British‘) sense of humor. I enjoyed it. Not a fall-about-laughing comedy. More nuanced.

Great study of 2022 Indian society & the ‘Bangkok’ boom-boom sex/tourist trade.

My MAIN TAKEAWAY from this movie: eat a LOT of raw onions!

The crazy thing is that I do eat a fair amount of onions which MIGHT explain why I am still the ENVY of a couple of my male cousins. I will have to tell them to start eating more raw onions.

My adoptive parents, as part of my adoptive father’s job at UNESCO, lived for many years at a time, in ‘New Delhi’, India & ‘Bangkok’, Thailand, between 1969 and 1979. Since I was in school & university till Sept. 1974, I would spend my summers with them — first in India & then in Thailand. But, that was a long time ago. Both countries have changed much — the last time I was in Bangkok, albeit just for half-a-day during a business trip to the Philippines was in 1995. So, the scenes from this entertaining movie were an eye opener.

Check the YouTube trailer (above). If it even vaguely piques your interest go for it. It is not a bad movie. I am sure many of you will get a kick from it. Enjoy.

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