Tag Archives: tent

‘Classic Albums Live’, At ‘Concerts In The Clouds’, July 31, 2021 — Was Remarkably Good, ‘All Stops Pulled’, Audience Loved It.

by Anura Guruge
on August 1, 2021

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They, i.e., this ensemble (mainly from Florida from what I can gather) that did the ‘Eagles‘ ‘Hotel California‘ album, note-for-note, cut for cut, was good — very good; both musically (which is important) BUT, moreover, in their total commitment to give the audience “their money’s worth & more“. I was impressed & as ‘part of the organization‘ (albeit as a lowly volunteer) I was delighted. I like to see paying punters leave happy with a big grin on their faces. And last night they sure did.

The concert rocked. The tent pulsated. It was electric.

The setting, as some of the above pictures might portray, was idyllic. [Yes, I do venture further out that many to get my shots.]

It was a tad chilly. SMILE. ‘They’ joked about it. But, it could not have been fun up on the stage. I applaud them for their fortitude, talent, professionalism & commitment. A good crew. I liked them. I didn’t get a change to interact with them. I could have, if I wanted. I didn’t want to bother them.

They went WAY BEYOND their brief. They did the entire album, i.e., ‘Hotel California‘, immaculately with no interruptions or dialog. Bang. THE ALBUM — LIVE. Did it as they said they would. But, they didn’t stop there. They then went to town. Became a conventional tribute band, an Eagles Tribute Band — & they did a bang-up job. That made all the difference. They were VALUE-ADDED. Thank you.

It was great. Go see them — meaning any of their albums — if you can. This crew was exemplary.

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It Was Cool To See One Of My Photos (& Name) In The Latest ‘Castle In The Clouds’ Newsletter.

by Anura Guruge
on July 28, 2021

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I am a BIG fan, advocate & supporter of ‘Castle in the Clouds‘ & try to volunteer there whenever I can. That is what made it special. That I was kind of able to lend a hand (or at least a photo).

This was a picture I had taken July 17, 2021, at the ‘Peter Cincotti‘ concert. I had told my contacts at the ‘Castle’ that they were welcome to use any of my photos. Well, they did. I am happy.

‘Australian Bee Gees’, At ‘Concerts In The Clouds’, July 24, 2021 — Was Outstanding, Crowds On Their Feet, In Perfect Weather.

by Anura Guruge
on July 25, 2021

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It was good, it was very good. I am told that there were upwards of 500 ticket holders in attendance & from what I saw (& I was in the thick of things) they had A BALL. By the end many were on their feet, bopping. It was 1970s deja vu & I should know — since I was there (& a big concert goer at that).

The weather could not have been better. Goldilocks. Just right.

It seems to have gone off without a hitch. I stood at the back of the tent (as befits my station & rank) & as such was able to see all of the action in front of me. All I could see was unadulterated enjoyment. I was proud to be a part of this. Wow. It was good.

There were, from what I could see, quite a few die hard ‘Bee Gees‘ fans in attendance & they sure seemed to be reveling in it. They were on their feet, some from the start, arms always akimbo. I was glad for them.

It was, from what I could tell, a huge success.

I am glad for ‘Great Waters‘ & for my friends at the ‘Castle in the Clouds‘. What an achievement.

Another concert next week. An ‘Eagles’ tribute band. Wow? Can it get any better. Suffice to say I am looking forward to it — assuming I am asked to attend. I will keep you posted whether I am there or not. I have contacts.

‘Peter Cincotti’, At ‘Concerts In The Clouds’, July 17, 2021 — Was Astoundingly Brilliant, His Talent Soaring.

by Anura Guruge
on July 18, 2021

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It sure WAS in the CLOUDS!

This was quite the auspicious start for ‘Concerts in the Clouds‘ (despite the weather not being as cooperative as one would have liked). The concert, from what I could see & hear, was a HUGE success — with ‘Peter Cincotti‘, who has earned the right to be called ‘incomparable’, exceeding all expectations with his performance. He was good; actually brilliant. He bills himself as a jazz artist. I think he has usurped ‘Billy Joel‘ as THE PIANO MAN. His effortless talent & charisma was humbling. Wow. I had never heard of him, but that means diddly. He sure had a following in the Tent. I was glad. It would be very wrong for me to say that ‘he will‘ (or ‘he should‘) ‘go far‘. He has already, from what I can see, got there. Good for him.

He has an outstanding (but easy) presence. He is so at easy. So natural. The epitome of a talented, consummate entertainer. ‘Concerts in the Clouds’ could NOT have done any better. All worked out.

The tent, from what I saw (& heard), worked — & worked well. Acoustics were good. Lightning was impressive. I ambled across the parking lot to get a distant shot of the tent. It, lit, looked real cool.

It was fun. Everybody seemed to really dig it — & it would have been hard not to, with Peter Cincotti & his very slick band strutting their stuff.

Bravo Peter Cincotti.

Bravo ‘Concerts in the Clouds‘.