Tag Archives: swimming

Sri Lankan Elephant RESCUED (By Navy) 10-Miles Out At Sea {Albeit 7-Years Ago}.

by Anura Guruge
on September 8, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Google News‘.

A very poorly made video about this came up in my ‘YouTube‘ feed last night. I had not heard of this. I thought it was recent. This morning I looked it up on Google. Stories like those shown above turned up. I DID NOT CHECK THE DATES! So, OLD news — sorry. But, still quite the story.

I kind of knew that elephants were good and strong swimmers. There is speculation that this might not have been a total accident — i.e., the elephant MIGHT have gone swimming on its own. There is also comments that elephants are know to go out as much as 9 miles. WOW.

Well, I had to SHARE. But, I am SORRY it is old news. I will try to do better — but I am old too.

A 110 Pound ‘Newfie’ Puppy, Our ‘Rowen’, In Her Supposed Element, i.e., Water.

by Anura Guruge
on May 27, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. YouTube video below.

Newfies, i.e., Newfoundlands, are supposed to be water dogs.

Rowen’, our 110 lbs (or thereabouts), 19-month old Newfie pup (from Iowa) though she loves water and likes to be wet, is NOT that much of a swimmer. We have had a load of Goldens & they loved to swim. You only had to show them water & they would go bounding along to swim. NOT SO Rowen.

She will, most times, just go in a bit & lap the water. She basically likes to PADDLE in water, i.e., walk around in shallow water. She can swim, but it is very much, in her case, take it or leave it.

She goes by a lake, our lake, nearly every day. She will go in & get her belly wet BUT that is about it.

But, there is this little pool on one of our walks. She loves that pool. She will swim in it. So, that is the above video.

There is a huge drainage culvert feeding that pool. She can walk through it, under the road. She loves doing that. When you see her disappear, that is where she has gone. She has gone into explore it. I was expecting her to come out of the other side. That is why you see the camera shift. But, she came back.

Once when we had had heavy raid & the pipe was gushing she got washed out of the pipe. It was like she had come out of a water slide. She went SAILING out of the pipe into the pool. Didn’t bother her much.

From two days ago — BEFORE her walk, waiting for me to get out of bed.