Tag Archives: subscribers

Claims That Netflix Is Over The Hill As A Streaming Behemoth Are But Wishful Thinking.

by Anura Guruge
on April 22, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Just some of the NEGATIVE coverage of Netflix over the last 3 days. From ‘Google’.

Click to ENLARGE.

We got into Netflix late — only in 2020. We had Amazon Prime, HBO & ShowTime (off and on), Acorn TV & BritBox. Over the last 9 months or so I have become quite a devotee of Netflix. As far as I am concerned Netflix has MORE CONTENT than I am ever going to be able to watch! I am, amazed, near daily as to the scope & variety of programming they tempt me with. I have a ‘watchlist’ that is much, much longer than my arm. I have got to the point that I am kind of embarrassed to add any more to it. I go through stints, like the last few days, when I make a concerted effort to just watch things I already have on my list without adding any new items.

As such, I find the claims that Netflix no longer has enough compelling programming preposterous. Come on.

OK, I just looked it up. It appears that Netflix’s repertoire of movies and TV shows (many of which are multi-season series) is in excess of 50,000. 50,000. IF you watch one a day, you will still have enough for at least 136 years! Yes, of course, there will be stuff you don’t want to watch. So, let’s say you discard 80% of the catalog. That still leaves you with 10,000 items –> enough for 27 years IF you manage to watch 1 a day. COME ON. There is no shortage of programming on Netflix.

OK, they have lost subscribers as more people have been forced to go back to work after the COVID ‘vacation’. Yes, Netflix has been punished for that, i.e., the drop in subscribers in 2022. But, I am fairly confident that Netflix will claw its way back.

I for one refuse to write them off.

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