Tag Archives: submarine

Sri Lanka Independence Day 2024: For The 2nd Year, The Government Panders To India — This Time By Inviting A Submarine!

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Click to access the original from the Indian ‘The Hindu‘.

Last year. A stamp to honor ‘Jawaharlal Nehru‘.
See my post.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Sri Lanka got its political independence from Britain on February 4, 1948.

That was a BIG DEAL.

But now, due to decades of corrupt and inept governments both FINANCIAL & MILITARY independence has been squandered.

Sri Lanka is mighty beholden to China & India — both jockeying to get the edge over the other.

Inviting an Indian submarine for Independence Day celebrations is like a JOKE. It doesn’t convey strength, resolve and independence.

Last year the stamp. This year a submarine.

Yes, I have heard that large chunks of the locals are NOT happy.

It is a shame. I grew up, in Ceylon, as the 1st generation born after Independence. Those were happy days with much optimism and promise. Shame.

I have NO skin in the game — other than being born there. I gave up my Sri Lankan citizenship in 1983. That was 41 years ago.

But, I still mark ‘February 4‘. Always remember that as Independence Day.