Tag Archives: stock splits

‘Broadcom’ (AVGO) The One Stock That Warrants A Stock-Split In 2024 — But, Unlikely To Happen. SHAME!

by Anura Guruge
on January 3, 2024.

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘marketwatch.com‘.

I see all sorts of ‘pumpers & dumpers’ talking CRAZY stuff about 2024 stock splits — such as AMZN, NVDA, GOOG. None of those are likely to split in 2024. They all had splits in the last 2-years & their prices haven’t gone up that much. [I do OWN all three, & have for many, many, many YEARS. SMILE.]

‘Broadcom’, on the other hand, hasn’t split since 2006! They used to split quite regularly. Three times between 1999 & 2006. But, then they were acquired by ‘AVGO’ — & it appears that AVGO management does NOT believe in stock splits. Nothing that says they have to split. So, AVGO could go onto become a $2,000 or $3,000. I am OK with that. Yes, I own AVGO. I would like to own more, but at $1,000 it is an EXPENSIVE stock.

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘marketwatch.com‘.

I like semis. Always. I understand semis. I only invest in stocks I understand.

I first bought Broadcom nearly a decade ago. Had a GREAT ride with them. They pay very handsome dividends. Then I had to (alas) SELL because I had become too greedy with my option calls. I wasn’t that upset. I had had a lovely run.

I then went for about 2-years without owning any. They were, of course, a tad expensive.

But, I missed owning AVGO & I knew they will continue to do well.

So, last year I started buying AVGO again. SMILE.

I now have, in terms of semis, NVDA, AVGO, ARM & AMD. Smile. I am comfortable with that position.