Tag Archives: stock

‘Nvidia’ & Its Stock (NVDA) Reminds Me So Much Of ‘Cisco’ (CSCO) From 23-Years Ago. Déjà Vu?

by Anura Guruge
on August 29, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Base chart (of course) from ‘marketwatch.com‘.

I guess most of today’s market commentator’s aren’t old enough to remember Cisco. I am old enough plus I was very intimately associated with Cisco in its glory days. So, yes, I owned CSCO ahead of 2000 and into around 2004. So YES I saw it spike up & come crashing down.

Cisco was the DARLING of the emerging Web. Just like Nvidia is the DARLING of the AI brigade. Cisco could do no wrong. It totally dominated Internet networking. Cisco was the king of routers.

And then it crashed. In the last two decades it has clawed itself back into the market. But, its stock price, even today, is basically 1/2 what it was at its high.

NVDA reminds me of this.

Did I learn from CSCO. Heck no. I rode CSCO up and was too scared to sell. Ditto NVDA. This is why I am poor. I don’t know when to sell. SMILE. But, I am used to being poor.

‘Netflix’ (Stock), Despite The Actors Strike, Is Unlikely To Be Adversely Impacted Till At Least 4Q2023.

by Anura Guruge
on July 18, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

I watch ‘Netflix‘ near nightly — & have done for at least the last 5 years. So, I have a fairly good feel as to what they offer & what I can avail myself to.

Netflix has a TON of overseas content, some of it quite well dubbed into English, from across the Globe, e.g., Chile, Spain, Italy, S. Korea, Vietnam, etc. etc. And that is outside of its huge trove of ‘Bollywood‘ movies. So, as far as I can see, they should experience much, if any, content shortage in the next 6 months.

So, methinks, that Netflix will do OK at least till December 2023.

They might even do betters than others given that they already have more compelling content than most. So, especially with their Ad-supported, cheaper subscriptions, they might even increase their user base — which will be good for the stock.

We, i.e., I & my daughter, have owned ‘NFLX’ for a longtime (though to be fair our holdings are modest compared to our other FANNG/’Magnificent 7′ holdings). On Friday I checked to see IF I wanted to sell. I decided against.

Yes, here I am talking about Netflix on their own strengths/weaknesses & fundamentals.

IF we have market meltdown because of recession, further inflation, geopolitical instability, Netflix, of course, will take a hit. I am not overly concerned by that. We ride market fluctuations like that, & have successfully done so for 20 years.

All I wanted to check was whether NFLX would be OK in 3Q2023. I think it will. I could, as ever, be wrong. 4Q2023 should start off similarly, but by Christmas, if the STRIKE is still ongoing, Netflix could start seeing some subscription ‘pressure’.

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Adjusting The ‘Cost Basis’ Of Stocks Sold Up Until Settlement Day — At Fidelity.

by Anura Guruge
on January 7, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. ‘SELL SPECIFIC’ when selling stocks, ETFs, etc.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Fidelity’.

NO. NO. There is no hanky-panky here or anything even vaguely illegal or even slightly unethical. All perfectly above board & totally kosher — IRS approved.

This comes into play when you have stock (or other assets (such as ETFs or mutual fund shares)) that you have bought at different times — ideally over a long stretch of time. If so, what you paid to buy those assets, at different times, are likely to be different — in many instances, very different. But, you bought them & as such YOU can SELL them. Moreover, you can specify which ones you want sold at a given time to give YOU the BEST cost basis (i.e., minimize the capital gains you accrue).

To make this as easy & as simple as possible, Fidelity, as you can see from the top image, offers a ‘SELL SPECIFIC’ option. That is neat & works real well. When you invoke it you get a list of all the shares, when you bought them & their current value in terms of capital gains or losses. You can then select the ones you want to sell. BINGO. You get the BEST cost basis you can & are entitled to.

Sometimes you might NOT be able to use ‘SELL SPECIFIC’. I ran into that yesterday — for arcane reasons too obscure to relate. So, I just sold the x number of shares I needed to sell at the THEN PRICE. It would be three days prior to settlement. During that window I can tell Fidelity what shares I want sold. In essence, it is SELL SPECIFC retroactively. Nothing illegal. I still sold x shares. I just didn’t specify, at the time, which shares they should be. And that is why we have a delayed settlement date.

Today, was the first time I had asked for this cost basis adjustment. You can’t do it online. It has to be done by the back-office & takes over a day. But, they assure me that it works. I trust them.

So, just letting you know. Basically, you can do ‘SELL SPECFIC’, after the fact, as long as you do it before settlement. All the best.

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