Tag Archives: Steve Jobs

‘Steve Jobs’ (Apple) At The Very End Was Confused & Conflicted About God & Life-After-Death. [A Shame.]

by Anura Guruge
on July 24, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Walter Isaacson‘ (2011) book — page 571.

Last week I finally finished reading “Walter Isaacson’s” mammoth biography of ‘Steve Jobs’ — sanctioned (& semi-approved) by Jobs. It too me 5.5 months to read all 600 pages. I had wanted to read it for a long time & I am glad I did.

I had a very strange, complicated relationship with Steve Jobs.

Over the years he made me a LOT OF MONEY with ‘Apple‘ & ‘Pixar’ shares. I owned Pixar from its IPO & have owned Apple shares for close onto 20 years. So, yes, I owe him a huge debt of gratitude.

For 8-years, between 1991 & 1998 YOU would NOT have found a more ardent fan & advocate of Apple Macs than I. I was ALL, 100% Mac — & very gungho about Macs.

In 1998, I had 8 Macs in the house.

In 2000, I had NONE! I had switched, totally & utterly, to PCs & Windows!

Jobs had managed to LOSE ME. That took some doing.

Despite owning AAPL for two decades I stayed away from Apple products. I let others make the money for I. SMILE.

Steve Jobs was, obviously, a brilliant, talented, once-in-a-decade guy. No question about that.

The book confirmed much of what I had known over the years. He was very conflicted — & not that happy.

In many ways he was a sick puppy before he truly became sick.

All that wealth & he STARVED himself.

I found his views on God & life-after-death AMUSING & in the end, emblematic of him.

I on the other hand, have NO DOUBTS. And I thank God for that.

I do NOT believe in God. Never have. Never will.

I also do not believe in life-after-death. That is the biggest consolation in my life. I know that when I die — that is it. The switch is TURNED OFF. Poof. Nothing. What a relief.

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The New ‘Apple Watch Ultra’ Is TOO UGLY To Compete Against High-End ‘Garmins’.

by Anura Guruge
on September 10, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Click to ENLARGE. My ‘Garmin Epix Gen 2‘.

Apple Watches are ugly. Period.

I am positive that ‘Steve Jobs’ would never have allowed such an UGLY product to be released. Square watches tend to be ugly.

In marked contrast, high-end Garmin watches, like the Venu 2, the Forerunners, Fenix & Epix 2, ooze class. They have presence. They have pizzazz. So, I am not in the slightest bit concerned that the Ultra will cut into the sales of Garmins (not that I own Garmin shares anymore).

Plus, there is also the matter of battery life, something that Garmin has already pointed out. See top image.