Tag Archives: Spanish

Is There A Registry Of V. Rare Comic Book Owners Called The ‘Siegel-Shuster Almanac’?

by Anura Guruge
on January 30, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Screen capture from Netflix from the movie ‘Unknown Origins’.

Click to ENLARGE. The shot prior to the one above providing the context.

Click image to access the the ‘IMDb.com’ listing for this movie.

NO, I am not into comic books anymore. I haven’t been into comic books for 50 years. But, as a youngster, growing up in Ceylon I loved U.S. comic books. They were hard to come by — which added to the appeal & excitement. Yes, as an adult I go into Tintin (again) & Asterix, but never back into superheroes. Some of my kids caught my enthusiasm for Tintin & Asterix, but apart from that I don’t think any of the four really got caught with super hero comics though I know that they have watched some of the movies.

This movie, on Netflix, sounded vaguely interesting. I watch about an hour of Netflix a day, so I gave it a spin. It was from Spain. Since, it was dubbed into English it takes you a second to realize that it is actually a foreign movie. Fairly well done. Not great, but OK.

I had never heard of this ‘Siegel-Shuster Almanac’. Seems neat. I really have no interest. Just curiosity as to how such a registry could be credibly maintained to reflect accurate ownership.

Yes, of course, I did some cursory Google searches. There is a ‘Siegel & Shuster Society‘ that is focused on creation of Superman. But, I can’t find any reference to a registry of who owns the most valuable of old comics. I am just curious. That is all.

Click image to access the Society website.

Wanted to share this with you. Maybe you can enlighten us. Thanks.