Tag Archives: South Carolina

‘Nikki Haley’ Was Wearing A Necklace At (& After) 2nd Debate — BUT It Is Different, Thought It Probably Still Is A ‘Crescent Moon’ One.

by Anura Guruge
on September 28, 2023

Second Republican Debate — September 27, 2023.

Click to ENLARGE. Screen grab from YouTube video from ‘Fox Business‘.

Click to ENLARGE. Screen grab from YouTube video from ‘Fox News‘.

Click to ENLARGE. My post from February this year. Click to read.

Click to ENLARGE. Images from my OLD blog.

Click to ENLARGE. Two relevant posts from my OLD blog.

Way back in April 2017 I was one of the first to do a post on “Nikki Haley’s” hard to miss Crescent Moon necklace. I just knew that it would confuse some & get others curious. I was right (for a rare change). My Nikki Haley crescent moon necklace posts were soon attracting lots of hits — upwards of 1,000 one day!

A necklace was back for the 2nd debate last night. That is plain for all to see.

She did NOT wear one (or had it well tucked away) at the 1st debate (i.e., August 23, 2023) First Republican Debate.

It did NOT appear to be the one that she used to wear in the past.

It probably still is the South Carolina, Crescent Moon motif — but more muted.

Yes, the ‘Crescent Moon’ confused people though why she wore it was quite simple. It is THE symbol of South Carolina — the State she was the Governor of. So makes perfect sense.

But, it is clear that she appreciates that the necklace can be misinterpreted. So, she was known to tuck it away when making certain appearances. It would now seem that she has decided to do away with it — at least for the time being.

‘Nikki Haley’ Sure Was NOT Wearing Her Eyebrow-Raising ‘Crescent Moon’ Necklace At The First Republican Debate.

by Anura Guruge
on August 24, 2023

She did wear one, a NEW one (though most likely another ‘crescent moon’), at the Sept. 28, 2023, SECOND debate. Please refer to this new post.

Click to ENLARGE. Screen grab from YouTube video from ‘Fox News‘.

Click to ENLARGE. My post from February this year. Click to read.

Click to ENLARGE. Images from my OLD blog.

Click to ENLARGE. Two relevant posts from my OLD blog.

Way back in April 2017 I was one of the first to do a post on “Nikki Haley’s” hard to miss Crescent Moon necklace. I just knew that it would confuse some & get others curious. I was right (for a rare change). My Nikki Haley crescent moon necklace posts were soon attracting lots of hits — upwards of 1,000 one day!

She did NOT wear it (or had it well tucked away) during last night’s (i.e., August 23, 2023) First Republican Debate.

She has not been wearing it off late.

Yes, it confused people though why she wore it was quite simple. It is THE symbol of South Carolina — the State she was the Governor of. So makes perfect sense.

But, it is clear that she appreciates that the necklace can be misinterpreted. So, she was known to tuck it away when making certain appearances. It would now seem that she has decided to do away with it — at least for the time being.

‘Nikki Haley’ Seems To Have Ditched Her Once Trademark Crescent Moon Necklace.

by Anura Guruge
on February 15, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Base images from ‘CNBC‘ & ‘Vox

Click to ENLARGE. Images from my OLD blog.

Click to ENLARGE. Two relevant posts from my OLD blog.

Way back in April 2017 I was one of the first to do a post on “Nikki Haley’s” hard to miss Crescent Moon necklace. I just knew that it would confuse some & get others curious. I was right (for a rare change). My Nikki Haley crescent moon necklace posts were soon attracting lots of hits — upwards of 1,000 one day!

I, of course (after doing some research), pointed out from the start that her necklace (really the pendent on the necklace) was very innocuous & in no way or shape had to do with Islamic symbology. Instead, it was ALL about ‘South Carolina‘ — she an ex-governor of that State. The crescent moon is an integral part of the South Carolina state insignia & appears in its flag, vehicle number plates & state route numbers. So, that is what her necklace is all about — proclaiming her heritage in South Carolina.

But, it is clear that she appreciates that the necklace can be misinterpreted. So, she was known to tuck it away when making certain appearances. It would now seem that she has decided to do away with it — at least for the time being.

I will, of course, keep an eye open for it & let you know.

This Proposal To Give ‘South Carolina’ The 1st Election Primary — Given That ‘New Hampshire’ Currently Has A State Law That Says IT HAS To Be ‘First-In-Nation’!

by Anura Guruge
on December 2, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’. NOTE Sen. Maggie Hassan pointing out THE LAW.

Click image to access the official Website about this law.

I cannot tell you the exact specifics but I have lived in New Hampshire long enough, i.e., 36-years, to know that there is a NH Law that insists that we have to be the ‘First In Nation’ when it comes to the Primaries.

You can see from the top image, that my Senator, dear ‘Maggie Hassan’, bless her, has already pointed this out. She obviously knows much, much … much more about this than I do. So, I am going to leave it in her capable hands.

I just wanted to make sure YOU had some appreciation.

‘The Last List of Miss Judith Kratt’, By ‘Andrea Bobotis’ — An Enthralling Story; ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ REDUX!

by Anura Guruge
on May 6, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click image to access the Amazon Listing for this spellbinding book. (Wow!)

The title (though provocative (in its way)) is misleading & does NOT do justice to this remarkable debut novel. But, then again ‘Mockingbird‘ was Harper Lee’s first too. Yes, this story treads some of the same themes when it comes to racism in the South — & even has a recluse, a murder & sibling rivalries (though there is, alas, no courtroom drama). The story with its intriguing twists & turns is told deftly & elegantly (with one amusing literary device at the end of each chapter).

Yes, I do believe that this book, along with ‘The Pecan Man‘ are worthy of being considered ‘Mockingbird’ reduxes — & coming from me that is high-praise since I am a Harper Lee devotee.

Andrea Bobotis, is an extremely gifted writer — & from what I can see she is quite famous (as she deserves to be). Bravo.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Link to this page.

Given her background I am sure she did not get her historic facts wrong or mangle them at will to suit her story line. The main events of this book are set in the 1970s in South Carolina. Given that, I was surprised (possibly even mildly shocked) to see the amount of overt licentiousness that is described — with rampant infidelity & even teen pregnancies among 14 year olds. While we all know of the amount of affairs that took place between white males & black females, I did NOT realize that affairs between black men & married white women were that common place. The amount of carrying ons in that town in the 1920s would put 1970s Britain to shame.

And, then, as in ‘The Pecan Man’ we have an old car, unused for months, immediately jumping to life on the first crank. Not sure how accurate that would have been.

All said, this was a great book. I thoroughly enjoyed it & recommend it highly.