Tag Archives: software

Why Would ‘Renault’ Partner With ‘Google’ Knowing That ‘Google’ Totally Screwed Volvo In 2021/2022?

by Anura Guruge
on November 12, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Story on left is from ‘CNBC.com‘. For my May 2022 post re. my accursed Volvo XC60.

The Google software on 2022 Volvos, e.g., the XC60, has been an unmitigated disaster. It has been painfully chronicled on the Internet. The entire automotive industry knows about what happened. Google had no idea how to make RELIABLE, RESILIENT software. Their software is OK on a PC or phone where you can afford to have some hiccups. But, that is NOT the case with a car. Software problems on cars can KILL. I am sure Google’s software on Volvos must have, by now, contributed to multiple accidents. Of course, Volvo nor Google, is going to make it easy for us to find out.

It is true that Renault is totally irrelevant in the U.S. It fled the U.S. in 1987 — its tail between its legs. No great loss now — & they will be even worse after this ill-fated relationship with Google. My adoptive parents lived in France for over 17-years in the late 1970s. I was living in the U.K. Between us we owned a number of Renaults, I a Renault 17 & my parents a couple of 25s. They were good cars. But this was over 35 years ago. Renault is now a non-entity. A no-op.

So, maybe they were really, really desperate. You would have to be to partner with Google knowing that Google essentially sabotaged Volvo.

Volvo’s New Google-Based ‘Infotainment’ System, Will Not Have ‘Android Auto’ Or ‘Apple CarPlay’ Support Till 1Q2022!

by Anura Guruge
on August 9, 2021

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Please check this latest update — based on hands on experience.

Click image to access this November 4, 2021 post.

Click to ENLARGE.

As with the lack of ‘Sirius XM’ radio support, this is NOT a joke. This is too serious a matter to kid about.

That a Google Android-based system cannot support ‘Android Auto’ sounds like an oxymoron. Alas, it is NOT. This is reality. IF you buying a new 2022 Volvo (as I am) check with Volvo or a Dealer. [I feel bad for the Dealers. This is outside their control & they are, obviously, not too amused. This might even cost some of them some sales.]

From what I gather, this delay, especially when it comes to Android Auto might be ‘contractual‘, i.e., Google not being able to offer support for Android Auto ahead of ‘Apple CarPlay’. Apple might have grounds to complain & the European Union (EU) is already giving Google plenty of grief about its monopolistic practices. So, Google has to be seen as playing fair.

Well, for I, with my 40-year background in the computer industry this is but deja vu (all over again). Modern cars have become computers on wheels, so reliant on software. We all know about software updates — whether it be computers, phones, smartwatches, set-top units or even TVs. Now the game has moved to cars.

With this new Google Android infotainment system Volvo can do ‘over-the-air’ (OTA) software updates.

As with Sirius XM, support for Android Auto & Apple CarPlay will be added via such an OTA update.

Purely by coincidence YouTube offered me this video as a recommendation today. I haven’t had chance to watch it all, but he appears to be far from happy about the new system. YIKES. I have already ordered my new 2022 Volvo XC60 — with a November 2021 delivery (with luck).

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Female, British Artist ‘Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh’ Who Influenced Klimt’s Iconic Work!

by Anura Guruge
on August 7, 2021

Click to ENLARGE & ogle. Is it a Klimt? What do YOU think? Note there is no gold, anywhere, to be seen.

These are her work. Not Klimt’s.

Images from Wikipedia.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia: Margaret_Macdonald_Mackintosh.

I saw the painting (at very top) a few days ago on Facebook. I have been subscribing, for years, with great good fortune, to the ‘Female Artists in History‘ page. This is how I made this discovery. I immediately started Googling her & Klimt. BINGO!

She (1864 to 1933) & Klimt (1862 to 1918) were contemporaries (while he was alive, prior to his untimely death at 55). Though she did most of her work in Britain, starting in 1900 her work was getting shown in Vienna — where Klimt lived. That is how Klimt became acquainted with her work. This article explains it quite well.

Click image to access the full post.

I think this is neat. I had no idea. Check it out.

2022 Volvos, With The New Google Android ‘Infotainment’ System, Will Not Have ‘Sirius XM’ Radio Until Nov. Or Dec. 2021!

by Anura Guruge
on August 6, 2021

Click to ENLARGE.

This is NOT a joke. I would NOT kid about something this serious. I am in mild shock.

I sat in two 2022 Volvo XC60s this afternoon at a Volvo Dealership. I was kind of surprised that I could not find Sirius XM. I looked. In the end I had to ask the good folks there as to what I was doing wrong.

I was told, categorically, that Sirius XM support will not be available until 4Q2021. Theoretically that is as of October 2021. I was, however, told that it would be best to anticipate it as of November, with luck, & possibly December.

With this new Google Android infotainment system Volvo can do ‘over-the-air’ (OTA) software updates.

Sirius XM support will be added via such an OTA update.

In the meantime you have to STREAM Sirius XM from your phone! I kid you not. This is crazy.

If you don’t believe me ask a Volvo dealer.