Tag Archives: Soda PDF

I REFUSE, As Of Now, To Be Exploited By ‘Adobe’ When It Comes To ‘Acrobat’ & PDF Creation (& Merge).

by Anura Guruge
on November 8, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. PDFs of the 1st main page of my last book created using
‘Soda PDF’, ‘Foxit’ & ‘Adobe Acrobat’.

Click to ENLARGE. Trial versions of ‘Soda PDF’ & ‘Foxit’ side-by-side on my old Windows 7 PC.

Click to ENLARGE. Creating a PDF straight from Microsoft Word. I will need Foxit or Soda to merge the PDF files since I split my books into multiple Word documents for ‘safety’.

Click to ENLARGE. Adobe’s current subscription pricing for Acrobat. No bloody way, Jose!

Click to ENLARGE. Those Adobe does its darnest to keep it hidden, there is a non-subscription version of Acrobat too. But, it is NOT that cheap.

Click to ENLARGE. Using Acrobat has NOT been easy. I maintain all these settings.
This is the one I use for most of my books.

Truth me known, one of the reasons I DELAYED getting a new PC was because I knew I would have to get a new version of Adobe Acrobat. I have been using Acrobat 9 Pro since 2009 — when I got my last PC. Acrobat 9, however, does not work with ‘Windows 10’ & my new PC, of course, is running Windows 10.

Yes, of course, I can afford to get either Adobe Acrobat 2020 for $299 or the subscription ‘DC’ for $155/$179 a year. Money & affordability is NOT the issue here.

Microsoft (for all its inherent deficiencies) gives me ALL of MS Office & 1TB of ‘OneDrive’ for $69 a year. Yes, $69 a year. That is reasonable. So, I pay $69/year for ALL of Office (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Notes, Access, Outlook) & BLOODY Adobe thinks I should give them $155/year just for Acrobat.

No bloody way, Jose.

Just a matter of principle. I don’t know about you, BUT I don’t like being exploited.

So, over the last few days I have been playing around with ‘Foxit PDF Editor‘ ($159 one-time) & ‘Soda PDF Professional‘ ($48). See images above. They are BOTH good. Appear to work flawlessly. I am still LEARNING to fine tune them to get my IMAGES to the extent I desire.

To this end, I have to tell you that Foxit has been BEYOND AMAZING. They appear to have 24×7 telephone help — & good help at that. I called them — even though I am still on the trial — & asked for help. They have been WONDERFUL. So, responsive & helpful.

Soda, on the other hand, only appears to have e-mail support. Given their prices, I can afford to buy them BOTH & have them side-by-side. Plus, the option of saving to PDF directly from Word & then using Foxit or Soda to combine the PDFs into a book.

Yesterday, I was feeling a bit dejected. That Adobe had won. That I had no choice BUT to buy a new Acrobat. But, not so today. I have a third option! SMILE. I have two old PCs, running Windows 7, that BOTH have Acrobat 9. I can just keep them in mothballs & use them when I need to produce my FINAL completed PDF for a book! Remember, I have contingency plans for my contingency plans.

But, right now, I am growing more & more impressed with Foxit & Soda — Foxit, the BEST, because of their support. I like to know that there will be support if I run into trouble. For now, I am happy to say, with conviction, SCREE Adobe!

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