Tag Archives: SNA Theory and Practice

50 MORE Of My ‘Bold Coast’ Books To Be Delivered To ‘Lubec’, Maine.

by Anura Guruge
on May 30, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE.

Last time (a couple of weeks ago) was to ‘Dockside Treasures‘ — the ONLY shop (other than the ‘IGA’ supermarket) I frequent in Lubec.

This order, that I received today, was from my two favorite Inns (& I take TURNS in staying in them) — ‘The Inn on the Wharf‘ & the ‘Eastland Motel‘. I have, of course, stayed MULTIPLE times at both — & freely recommend them both to any that ask.

This is GREAT. I actually find it humbling. As I tell a few, I should be used to, by now, of my books selling. My very first book, in 1983, ‘SNA — Theory and Practice‘, sold in the tens of thousands. SMILE. That book, written when I was 30, was what enabled to me live this life. SMILE.

I am grateful to those that buy my books. I really don’t make any money from my recent books. Note that these books, all in the 150 page range (printed), are priced around $9. Check other books. They are in the $20 range. SMILE. But, YES, it is EGO. Nice to know that my writing is still appreciated.

‘Bold Coast’ books (now available). Click on images for details.

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Hard To Comprehend That Cricket GIANT ‘Imran Khan’ Is In Prison — & Now Sentenced To 10 More Years!

by Anura Guruge
on January 30, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

Wow. I knew he had been arrested etc., BUT had not heard/read that he had been in prison since October of last year. Wow. Heard about the new 10-year sentence, on ‘BBC News‘, this morning. I was shocked. Maybe even shaken.

Imran the cricketing legend. Imran the superstar. Imran the incomparable lady’s man — & even us males have to admit that he really was devastatingly handsome. [He is 11-months my senior.]

I have seen him in person a few times when we were both in England at the same time. Once, famously, I saw him in the car park of the Hampshire Cricket Club, Southampton Grounds, canoodling with a young lady. I did say “Hi, Imran” as I walked past. It would have been rude not to acknowledge him.

Beyond that fleeting encounter, I have two other ‘connections’ with Imran.

1/ The title of my first, and financially my most successful book, “SNA: Theory and Practice“, in 1984, was conjured by a rather brilliant young lady who was an ex-girlfriend of Imran’s during his time in Oxford. She was in charge of marketing for the publisher. I did not have a title for the book. But I explained to her what it was about and how I structured the book to first explain the architecture and then how the architecture was implemented. I was thinking along the lines of “SNA: Architecture and Implementation”. She came up with the much better title. Given that she knew that I was a cricket fanatic she would remind me, every time we met, that she knew Imran in the Biblical sense. Wish I could remember her name. So that is the first connection.

2/ Imran, in his 1988 autobiography, “All Round View“, shed light to me as to why he and I are both accused (often) of being arrogant — though he, obviously, has better reasons to be so, than I. In that book he EXPLAINS how his parents had brought him up to be arrogant. It was an Eureka moment. My (adoptive) parents too had brought ME up to be arrogant. It was a part of how we were brought up. Cultural. We, the first generation of post-independence kids to aspiring upper middle class families, were expected to be arrogant. It all became clear. Now I understood.

So, Imran is not just a name. I feel a connection with him. I feel bad for him — as a person, a cricketer. I REALLY HAVE NO idea what he got up to as a politician. I do know he is very clever. Much cleverer than I.

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What Am I To Make Of This Automated Recommendation From Amazon’s Artificial Intelligence? Too Clever By Half Or Rather Hair-Brained?

by Anura Guruge
on June 23, 2021

Click to ENLARGE & enjoy.

This was in my e-mail this morning. It did make me smile.

Of course I was going to like it. I wrote it. My first book. Unlikely that I would not like it.

So, what was Amazon’s AI thinking?

That, alas, is always the problem with AI (& I speak as one who was into AI in the 1970s & 1980s). AI still has to be taught …

So, the AI algorithms here do not appear to check who the author is.

Yes, us authors are still a minority compared to the millions who buy books. So, the chances of Amazon’s AI recommending an author’s own book to the author are rare. But, it would only take a few lines of code to stop it.

I know why I got the recommendation. A couple of weeks ago I was searching for this book on Amazon because I wanted to grab the cover image for my new ‘book’ page. That was all that Amazon saw. That I had searched for it. That I was the author did not cross its ‘mind’. That, alas, is still the pitfall of AI. The mind is so hard to emulate.