Tag Archives: Sin killer

‘Sui Generis’ — What A Lovely Way To Say ‘Unique’ (Albeit In Latin).

by Anura Guruge
on August 19, 2022

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Though given my research interests (e.g., papal history) I am more au fait with Latin words/phrases & legal jargon that most, I really don’t think I had come across this word before. I just love it.

I came across it in “Larry McMurtry’s” ‘Sin Killer‘ book which I started listening to yesterday — on ‘Audible‘. I had to look up the book online, find the phrase & then Google it. I am glad I made the effort. I adore Larry’s writing. I needed a fresh does & that is how I ended up with this book. I am glad I did. Not sure whether it is as compelling as ‘Lonesome Dove’ BUT it is, nonetheless, extremely good. Yes, I recommend it, highly.

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