Tag Archives: shot

“Mr. Harrigan’s Phone” (2022 Movie (On Netflix)) Thought Set In ‘Maine’ & Written By Maine’s ‘Stephen King’ Was Shot, Entirely, In ‘Connecticut’!

by Anura Guruge
on October 12, 2022

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Click to access the ‘IMDb’ listing for this 2022 movie now on Netflix.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From IMDb (above).

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From Netflix.

What is infuriating about this is that the story (& as such this movie) STARTS by saying it is set in Maine (albeit in the fictitious town of Harlow). After that Maine gets mentioned, fairly regularly, quite a few times. That, as some know, is quite common with ‘Stephen King‘ works. He is a proud Mainer & likes to promote the state. Plus, it makes sense to set stories in a state that you are extremely au fait with.

So it was beyond annoying to see that this movie was NOT shot in Maine. It is pretty obvious to anyone who knows Maine — & while I have yet to cover all of Maine, I do know Maine quite well.

Why it could NOT have been shot in Maine is a mystery to I. Maybe it has to do with union regulations, local fees or state requirements. [I just did a quick Google. It appears that Maine is actually quite a cheap & fun place to make movies!]

Does NOT make sense. Don’t tell me that it is because they couldn’t find a fancy house in Maine. Au contraire. There are plenty of grand houses in Maine. There really is no shortage. So, that can’t be used as an excuse.

This movie could easily have been shot around the Rockland/Rockport/Camden area or even towns further south.

I am surprised that Stephen King, who I assume had some kind of say, did NOT object.

Well, I don’t care about others, I am offended & aggravated that this movie was NOT made in Maine.

Oh, it wasn’t very good either!

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‘Alec Baldwin’ Shooting Mishap On ‘Rust’ — My Claim Of ‘Sabotage’, 2-Weeks Ago, Now Gaining Ground.

by Anura Guruge
on November 4, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Link to U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ original.

Click to ENLARGE. Search on U.K. ‘Daily Mail’. Google for more.

Click to access my October 21, 2021 post. 2-weeks ahead of the pack!

I put the ‘sabotage’ possibility out as soon as I heard the tragic news. It was kind of obvious to I — but, I am the first to admit that my mind (thankfully) doesn’t work along the same lines (or at the same speed) as most.

This sabotage claim will gain momentum. It makes sense. Wait & see.

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The Horrific ‘Alec Baldwin’ Mishap Had To Have Been Political, Sabotage & A WARNING SHOT At ‘SNL’.

by Anura Guruge
on October 21, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘ a few minutes ago.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google Images‘ when I did a search on ….

I am NOT going to spell this out. IF you don’t get where I am going & where I am coming from, that is perfectly ‘OK’. Just move on. This post is for those that can read between MY lines.

Yes, they have already mentioned that the ‘Prop Boss‘, the person in charge of all the props, was NOT A KNOWN union member & was locally recruited (which would mean in New Mexico rather than what would typically have been California).

I could, of course, & as ever, be wrong. It could prove to have been 100% a tragic accident.

I, however, have this nagging feeling that this was sabotage. A well thought out & executed plot to harm & discredit Alec Baldwin. I think it was political. Revenge for what Alec did in the past.

This will be one heck of a warning to other actors (& possibly actresses) & definitely to the likes of ‘SNL‘.

That is it. I have shared with you what went across my avowedly cynical brain. SMILE.

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