Tag Archives: shortage

Baby Formula Shortage — The ‘eBay’ Listings, All Exorbitantly Price Gouging, Should Be Removed & Penalized.

by Anura Guruge
on May 15, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘eBay’.

Alas, this is what I expected to see.

This is WRONG!

For a start eBay should NOT permit these listings. But, eBay has NO moral compass.

The ‘White House‘ should take action against BOTH eBay & the sellers. Easy. Get the Feds to order everything that is listed & then stop payment … & furtermore, go after the sellers. That will teach them.

What do YOU think?

Baby Formula Shortage — Even ‘Amazon U.K.’ Is Out Of Stock (Though There Is No Shortage In Europe)!

by Anura Guruge
on May 14, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Amazon U.K’ using my ‘Amazon U.K’ logon account.

I was curious. Luckily, I am NOT in need of baby formula. I do, however, feel real bad for those that are in need of formula right now.

That is what prompted me to see if I could buy any from the U.K. ‘Amazon U.K.‘, for that matter Amazon in any country will ship internationally. I do have an ‘Amazon U.K.’ logon since I do buy things in the U.K. — mainly to ship to folks in the U.K. or Europe. THINK books — my books. SMILE.

As far as I can ascertain there is NO baby food (i.e., formula in Europe talk) shortage in Europe.

Yes, I understand that European baby formula is NOT approved, by the FDA, for use in the U.S. But, ….

Think. If you were on vacation in Europe, you could, of course, buy baby food there — for your needs. IF you happened to bring some containers back, I am NOT sure that customs would stop you. It is in powder form. But, I don’t know.

Well, from what I can see — & I also checked Amazon France — Amazon is CLAIMING that they are out of stock.

I would NOT buy baby formula on eBay! Oh, No!

Metamucil Has Crushed The Store Brands; The Latest Shortage.

by Anura Guruge
on April 11, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google.

In 2020, at the height of the COVID lockdowns there was a severe Metamucil shortage. I even did a post about it (below).

Click image to access my post from 2 years ago.

Luckily, store brands were still available — though there were times when it was kind of hit or miss.

By the Fall of 2020 the Metamucil shortage appeared to be over — though prices had gone up, appreciably.

Over the last couple of months I have noticed that the Metamucil store brands have disappeared off the shelves. But, there is a supply of Metamucil — at all time high prices. It would appear that one way or another Metamucil has won — at least for now. We just have to pay the higher prices.

Latest, Little Talked About COVID-Related Shortage — ‘Ginger Beer’!

by Anura Guruge
on January 18, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

OK. OK. It isn’t as serious as the temporary shortage wine we had last year.

But, ginger beer, in particular ‘Goslings’ diet ginger beer has been hard to get for the last 3 weeks. Yes, it is NOT the end of the world. Far from it.

There are a few other brands, NOT as good & much more expensive — PLUS the usual GLUT of ginger ale.

Please note that ginger ale & ginger beer are NOT the same thing. Ginger beer, true to its name, is brewed & fermented. Ginger ale is but a flavored drink. Ginger beer has has soul. Ginger beer has been a staple in Britain for centuries. That is where I acquired my taste.

I like a Goslings DIET Ginger Beer for my breakfast after my 10K step hike — each morning.

Goslings, diet or regular, has been missing in store shelves for the last 3 weeks. I looked again, today. NADA. Not the end of the world. I can manage. I can live. And I am sure I probably could order it online. I am NOT that desperate yet.

Just a heads up.

There is a shortage of Goslings Ginger Beer. OK?

Forget TP, Semiconductors & Metamucil, We Have An Acute Shortage Of Exotic Birds.

by Anura Guruge
on June 13, 2021

Empty exotic bird display Petco
Click to ENLARGE. Empty exotic bird display at Petco in Rochester, New Hampshire.

Yes, the feathered ones; colorful, cute & chirpy. Yes, we have a shortage, a acute one at that. The availability of exotic birds has plummeted, supposedly, by a factor of 10. Whereas there might have been 40 a week available in the past, now it is down to, maybe, with luck, 4.

So, am I in the market for an exotic bird. No, I am not. I do not think I have ever owned or had a bird as a pet. I like birds. But, not sure I would want one.

So, how did I find out about this shortage? We were at Petco (in Rochester, NH) yesterday. We took Rowen there so she can socialize.

Whenever I go to Petco I like to take pictures of the turtles, hamster, fish, lizards & birds. Bingo. Birds. The display cage, as you can see above, was empty. It was bare. The manager was close by, so I asked him. That is how I found out. He was saying that he is having a real hard time getting any birds. He places his regular weekly order & many weeks he gets none. Other weeks he gets a drastically reduced number.

So, I am letting you know, just in case you are in the market or plan to be.