Tag Archives: Shenandoah

In 2021, Despite COVID, I Did A Fair Amount Of Travelling, All Per COVID Protocols + The 3,214 Miles I Walked.

by Anura Guruge
on January 17, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From Google — per my timeline.

Click to ENLARGE. From Google. Too long trips + multiple trips to Maine & Massachusetts.

My 3,200 steps in 2021 — click for my post.

Yes, I was, of course, aware that I had made two long trips; one, 2,700-miles, to Iowa to pickup ‘Rowen‘ our Newfie pup & the other, in September (as is my wont) to Shenandoah (for the second year running). Then there was my usual trips to Maine & in 2021 all the numerous trips to Boston to do with my cataract surgeries (& follow ups). But, until I got Google’s annual summary of my timeline I had no idea that I been by 85 cities. I sure know I didn’t visit that many. But, if Google says so, I guess I must have been through them. Neat.

What is pretty amazing is that I assiduously adhered to all the prevailing COVID protocols! So, during the January Iowa trip, we did not stay overnight in NY or PA so as to honor their COVID requirements.

By the time of the other trips, I had been vaccinated — as of March 6, 2021. So, that helped.

Wonder how 2022 will pan out. Haven’t travelled any, even to Boston, this Yikes.

Using Plastic Bottles As Freezer Packs For Coolers When ‘Camping’.

by Anura Guruge
on September 4, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.
Click to ENLARGE.

First & foremost, I am NOT going camping; I have NEVER gone camping & I never plan to go camping. Is that clear? As I have often stated, staying at a $70/night, 2-star motel is as close to camping that I will ever get. Don’t get me wrong. I love the outdoors & wilderness. I spend at least 2.5-hours, most days (i.e., like 98% of the year) outside in ‘the sticks’. I just have NO desire to sleep in other than a traditional bed & not have access to a proper bathroom.

I am, however, going to be spending 4-nights in a wooden cabin in Shenandoah National Park this coming week. This cabin does not have a refrigerator. I do not think many of the rooms in Shenandoah have refrigerators — whether it be at ‘Skyland‘ or ‘Big Meadows‘. Thus, your traditional freezer pack is of little use after day one. There is no way to freeze it again.

You have to rely on ice — either from a machine or from a store.

Yes, we have all done that. Well, this time around I am going to put the ice in plastic bottles with screw tops. That, in theory, will minimize water leakage as the ice melts. Plus, heading out, i.e., Day 1, I have put water in the bottles & put them in the freezer. So, I will not have to use ice cubes. I already have a freezer pack.

Just an idea. I am sure others have been doing this for year. Just wanted to make sure you gave this some thought.

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