Tag Archives: Sergeant-At-Arms

We Found My Old ‘Laconia Rotary Club’ Badge From 20-Years Ago.

by Anura Guruge
on December 1, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

You can tell it is old since it still has ‘Consultant‘ on it. I haven’t done any consulting in a very long time.

Two members of longstanding, who knew me from 20-years ago, asked me today, ahead of the meeting, if I had found my badge. I did not think my old badge would still be around. I had had a cursory glance at the box of badges at the entrance & had not seen one with my name on it.

These two gallant gentleman then came out & lifted the top tray of the box. There was another layer of badges underneath. I SHOULD HAVE REMEMBERED THIS. As the ‘Sergeant-At-Arms’ I used to be responsible for that box. But, it was a long time ago & I never thought that ‘they’ would retain old badges for that long. I was wrong. My old badge was still there.

Of course I am going to use it. Already did today. It made me happy.

After A 20-Year Absence, I Rejoined ‘Rotary’ — At My Old Club, ‘Laconia’, N.H. (& I Am Delighted).

by Anura Guruge
on November 19, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

My adoptive father was a Rotarian, back in Ceylon, in the 1950s/1960s.

I was approached in a car park, in 2001, by the then President of ‘Laconia Rotary‘ & more or less told that I had to join the Club. He was persuasive. I joined within days! I see that the ‘official’ records say that I joined on December 31, 2001. It was before. I was inducted in an open air meeting & that was unlikely to have happened, in Laconia, in December. It was in August or September. I can find the exact date, but that doesn’t really matter.

I was a very active member into 2003. I was ‘Sergeant-At-Arms‘ for most of that time. So, that kept me very involved both during & in-between meetings.

It was a great bunch of folks. I missed them.

Much happened in the last 20 years. I was also kind of busy. I am sure I wrote & published over 30 books during that time.

This Summer I started seeing Facebook posts, on my timeline, from Laconia Rotary. They were selling raffle tickets for the Harley. That was beyond nostalgic. I really, really, really missed selling those raffle tickets — in public venues. I wanted to join just so I could sell tickets again. I contacted the poster & he was very welcoming.

The rest is history. I wasn’t sure whether I would be allowed to rejoin. I had left without giving notice as such.

But, I have been reinstated — & I get to keep my original membership number etc. Wow. I am delighted.