Tag Archives: September 5

‘Eversource’: Yet Another Power Outage In Alton (New Hampshire) This Morning, 4:30am — 6:30am.

by Anura Guruge
on June 24, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

Luckily I slept through it. Not so my daughter. But, she didn’t wake me because she knew it would ‘distress’ I.

They claim it was ‘animal contact’ with equipment — whatever that means.

It appears to have been a transformer across the road from us. I didn’t see/hear it but I am told that there were 3 trucks there to fix it.

Only our road was affected. This happens too many times, i.e., just our road.

Our 24kW ‘Generac‘, delivered last Tuesday, isn’t still hooked up. Just my luck.

Luckily this was short, i.e., 2-hours, & happened when I was asleep. For that I am glad.

Well …

Can’t wait to get the Generac hooked up & functional — which should be this coming week, with LUCK (something I don’t have unless it is prefixed by ‘BAD’).

‘Eversource’ — 8-Hour Power Outage In Alton (New Hampshire), Sept. 5, 2022 — Frustrating & BASELESS.

by Anura Guruge
on September 6, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Two contradictory explanations.
1/ Tree limbs contacting power lines.
2/ Tree taking pole down.

Click to ENLARGE.

The above is also NOT the only ‘contradiction’ by them.

For the first 2-hours of the outage they insisted that power would be restored by 7:15pm. This would have lulled many into a false sense of security & expectancy. Some would have forgone the opportunity to get their generator hooked-up or make any other contingency plans thinking that all was going to be well before dark. THEY LIED!

At 7:20pm there was an automated call saying that power would not be restored till 1:30am the next day, i.e., Tuesday. Well, I have never trusted Eversource. So, I had, as you can see from top image, hooked up & running well before it got dark. Glad I had. We had them running till 11pm. Then I turned them off because they make a racket.

I really despair of Eversource. They are becoming increasingly sleazy, unreliable, greedy & untrustworthy. They are a monopoly & relish abusing that power.

There really was no grounds for an 8-hour outage yesterday, i.e., Monday, September 5, 2022. We didn’t really have any bad weather. Just some rain — mainly drizzle. I should know. I walked, outside, in the ‘rain’, for 8-miles. NOT heavy rain. ZERO WIND. Nothing. Not even a breeze.

Then the power goes off & stay off for 8 bloody hours!

Not right.

I really despair of Eversource. I wish I could switch to another provider. But, of course, I can’t. They have me by my throat.