Tag Archives: Second Term

I Was ALREADY Talking Of Dear “Boris Johnson’s” Possible Come Back 6-Days AGO — Way Ahead Of The Pack.

by Anura Guruge
on October 20, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From today’s U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ (click to access).

Click to image to access MY October 16, 2022 post.

He is definitely in the running ALREADY & I am ecstatic! He is in the TOP 3 contenders & that is good enough. There is talk that he might be the ONLY one that has the CREDENTIALS, credibility & chutzpah to get the 100 nominations over the weekend. I hope so. Fingers cross. I like Boris — always has. He is a much, much, much, much smarter, much better looking, much better educated, much more personable, much more charismatic, much nicer version of us. I am at heart Boris. We are both scamps — he ALL what I said above. You shouldn’t punish scamps like Boris. Bill Clinton was a scamp too.

Wow. This will be such a turn for the book. I am on edge. Go, Boris, GO.

You know I used to me Margaret Thatcher’s biggest FAN?

One of the highest compliments I ever received was from a very smart guy who worked for me at ITT (UK) c. 1982. One night, over much wine (as was our wont) he said: “Anu, come the revolution they are going to line you up, TO THE RIGHT OF THATCHER, before they shoot you all …” Well, I am still waiting.

Will Dear ‘Boris Johnson’ Become PM Again — Thus Emulating Our Mutual Hero ‘Winston’?

by Anura Guruge
on October 14, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia link.

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia link.

I have always liked Boris! As far as I am concerned there is very little about him that you can’t like. Yes, he has been a bit of a naughty boy here & there, BUT in the scheme of things none were that egregious & basically he was being nothing more than a ‘bit of a scamp‘. But, we can’t deny that he is extremely smart, ultra competent & can — & MORE IMPORTANTLY, DID — get the job done. We have already seen that his successor, ‘Liz Truss‘, is badly in need of a TRUSS to hold her up. I doubt whether she will be PM for much longer. I hope not.

They should just reinstate Boris then & there. But, I doubt that will happen. Saving face & all of that.

But, I have a feeling that Boris is far from done. He will come storming back.

The Party, the people & THE COUNTRY will want him BACK — just like they did with dear Winston (my HERO).

For now just mark my word that I am predicting that Boris will be back as PM — just like Winston. What a great day that would be.