Tag Archives: Seaman

Famous U.S. ‘Lewis & Clark Expedition’ ATE At Least 200 Dogs — But We Are Not Sure About Cats.

by Anura Guruge
on September 16, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Google‘. Check it out.

Click to ENLARGE. For ‘Amazon AUDIBLE’ listing.

I knew that native Indians ate dogs and that, moreover, they were considered a delicacy.

I happen to be listening, entranced, to the above AUDIOBOOK (^) about the expedition. That is how I came to know about their penchant for dog eating. Captain Meriwether Lewis, the de facto expedition leader, wrote in his (renowned) journals that he PREFERRED dog to elk!


And yes, Lewis, like I, had a Newfie, ‘Seaman‘ (who I think was bigger than mine, viz., ‘Rowen‘). It is not recorded whether Seaman was FED dog meat & what he thought of dogs being killed, COOKED and eaten.

So, with all this talk about eating cats & dogs, THINK about this.

P.S., Growing up in Ceylon (in the 1950s/1960s) it was taken for GRANTED that the Chinese living in Ceylon ate cats and that what they served in restaurants as ‘chicken’ was but cat!