Tag Archives: sculpture walk

Sculpture Walk In Marvelous ‘Meredith’, New Hampshire, — A Small Sample From Sept. 28, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on October 2, 2023

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Given my innate, deep ingrained love for art, I can never get enough of “Meredith’s” awesome Sculpture Walk. Whenever I am in Meredith, which alas is not that often anymore, I try to make point of walking at least a part of the WALK. Last Thursday I got to walk a fair chunk of it. I didn’t get good photos of all. So, the above, alas, will have to suffice.

I have done a previous post of the WALK with other pictures. Please check that out.

Now there is also the breathtaking MURAL. I did a post on that too.

Plus, my childhood hero ‘Archie‘. SMILE.

‘Meredith’, New Hampshire, Sculpture Walk — A Small Sample From Today.

by Anura Guruge
on April 13, 2023

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This is such a wonderful initiative. BRAVO & Thank YOU, Meredith.

I wish it was there WHEN I used to live in Meredith, i.e., 1996 to 1999. That is OK. Meredith will always have a special place in MY LIFE.

I wish I could visit more often. But, I treasure every visit.

Today, I didn’t have much. It was late in the afternoon, it was HOT & I still had to get in 4K steps. So, I did a quick amble. These are what caught my eye. ENJOY.

If you can, please make a point of visiting.