Tag Archives: screen sticks

2022 Volvo XC60: Version 2.00 (OTA) Fixes Screen Freeze By Eliminating Album Display On Sirius XM!

by Anura Guruge
on April 6, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Yes, I had 2.00 installed by 11am yesterday, April 5, 2022.

The Station & Album Cover display screen you used to get on Sirius XM.

No longer there. Or at least I can get it.

Hit the station. Color on Sirius XM menu changes to BLUE (which is new, & much needed). That is it.

I have done a long post with more pictures & even a YouTube video on what was the 2022 XC60 screen freeze problem. So you can see the old screens there. OK?

Click to ENLARGE. From my post from 2 days ago.

So, as you can see from the image directly above Volvo did promise that Version 2.0 will improve radio stability.

As many of us know, to our chagrin & cost, one of the BIGGEST radio issues was the screen freeze.

Well, they have sure fixed that. We (or at least I) don’t get those screens anymore! So they can’t freeze. Amaing.

I just spoke with the amazingly & always HELPFUL Service Manager at my ‘local’ dealership. She has asked me to contact ‘Volvo Care’ & ask them to open a ticket on this. I will do that this afternoon.

I just had an e-mail from a ‘Volvo Forums‘ member saying that album covers are now being displayed for Bluetooth Media. I have NOT tried that. I don’t listen to music via Bluetooth. I am 100% Sirius XM.

2022 Volvo XC60 Screen Freeze (Screen Sticks) With Sirius XM — YouTube Video & Pictures.

by Anura Guruge
on November 20, 2021

Click image to access the YouTube video … or see below.

The frozen screen sequence this 2nd time. This time it is (& still is) frozen on Sirius XM channel 3, i.e., ‘xL Pandora Now‘. So, as with the first time, it will rotate through 5 other channels … but the screen is frozen. It will go BEYOND those 5 screens, but the screens just rotate. So, this is the new sequence:

This was what happened the 1st time. It froze on channel 17, i.e., ‘The Bridge’.

Click to ENLARGE. It can FREEZE on any channel. Another had it FREEZE on Channel 75.

Click to ENLARGE. The ‘LP cover display’ also goes haywire. Rotates through 4, & only 4!

What I said in the description of the YouTube video.

Please click to ENLARGE & read.

Click to ENLARGE & read. Got this via e-mail. They were responding to a TWEET.

Don’t let Volvo or Volvo dealerships claim that this is a new problem. They have known about it for at least 4 weeks by now, i.e., as of last week in October 2021.

Click to ENLARGE & read. From an online Volvo XC40 Forum.

I don’t have the time or energy to elaborate MORE. Please read what I wrote in the YouTube video description.

I do NOT feel safe in this car. IRONY. Irony of ironies. I bought a Volvo because I wanted a SAFE car in my old age. This car is hazardous to my health! My blood pressure SHOOTS UP as soon as I start driving it. I am SCARED. There is not much that scares I. I don’t mind dying. But, I don’t want to be maimed for life or WORSE STILL cause an accident that harm others. I could NOT live with that. I am scared that this damn, bloody Volvo is going to take off … uncontrolled acceleration … or stop braking … or swerve because the damn software is untested, unproven & garbage. Given my year round tan it is often hard to see, BUT I have white knuckles when I drive this death-trap! I am on edge. Constantly looking around to see what can go wrong. Will it take off? Will I have to slam on the brakes? Will it swerve? Will the brakes work? Is it going to kill me?