Tag Archives: scandal

Maine’s Growing ‘Forever Chemicals’ (PFAS) Crisis (Cum Scandal).

by Anura Guruge
on May 23, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’ — expanding on their cover story (i.e., Full Coverage link).

I first came across this a few weeks ago on my ‘Google News’ feed. Given that I spend a lot of time in Maine, and know a fair number of folks that live there, I was curious. I did a quick search. I WAS SHOCKED. This seems serious.

I have been meaning to do much more research — BUT, alas, have been distracted trying to finish my latest book (which happens to be about Maine).

Then today I saw another flurry of news stories. WOW.

Ironically I might actually know one company that MAY have been involved. Yes, I know that they will not admit to anything unless someone can nail them well & truly.

Well, I just wanted to bring this to YOUR attention in case it had escaped you. We all need to pay attention to this. I will do what I can to keep you posted, BUT I encourage you to use ‘Google News’ (or similar) to stay abreast.