Tag Archives: satellite view

Volvo XC60 (2022 ): Just Installed Software v. 3.1.9 (Over The Air). Hasn’t Killed The Car — Yet.

by Anura Guruge
on July 10, 2024

Click to ENLARGE & read here.

It has been a long time since I was able to get an ‘OTA’ (Over the Air) update for my Volvo XC60 because it was B5. I have been taking it, regularly, to a dealer to have the updates installed. This, alas, has also not always been successful. Last year, when they were trying to install v. 2.7 they totally KILLED my car (i.e., it was not operational, & they had to give me a brand new LOANER for a week!)

So, I had some trepidation about installing this — OTA. But, I took a chance. I have yet to drive it, BUT it started. So, that is a start — & I got no error messages.

Since I have not driven it, yet, I can’t tell you what the improvements to the infotainment system might be. I am curious. I know it is not even worth hoping that we might get a compass.

Volvo XC60 (2022 ): Dealer Trying To Install Software Ver. 2.7 Totally KILLED My Car!

by Anura Guruge
on April 15, 2023.

Click to ENLARGE. E-mail I got from Volvo March 6, 2023.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Link to ‘Volvo Support’.

So, so, so frigging GLAD that this was NOT ‘OTA’ (Over the Air). I would have been totally dead in the frigging water.

This was a DEALER — a very big & super-good DEALER at that — doing it.

Totally KILLED the car. Couldn’t even open the tailgate! I had my hiking gear bag in the back (as always, packed & ready for action). LUCKILY we were able to pull it out by folding the backseat.

This is BEYOND STUPID. Car totally dead. They don’t know what is wrong with it!

They, at the dealership, can do OTA. Appears they tried doing it OTA 3 times. Failed each time. So, they plugged the car into the computer. That is when they FRIED the car!

I took the car (i.e., XC60) in at 12:30 (as agreed). They said about two hours. That is fair enough. It was 80F. I went ambling. {See the pictures}

At 3:30pm they sheepishly broke the news. WE HAD A PROBLEM. I am going ambling in upstate New York on Monday. I told them, forget the update, just get the car to the state it was when I brought it in. They admitted they couldn’t. Told me that they can’t even open the tailgate. I was NOT amused.

They, of course, immediately offered me a loaner. They had to.

My XC60 is my HIKING car. The Mazda CX-30 is my local car. The XC60 is PRECISELY packed with all my hiking gear. Spare boots, sticks, clothing, straps, picnic stuff, hotel/motel stuff (e.g., extension cords, nighlights {SMILE}), maps.

I had to transfer 90% of the stuff from my DEAD car to the loaner — which was a XC60. I was nearly done when I remembered SIRIUS XM. I can’t drive without Sirius {& I am NOT kidding} & there was no way I was going on a hiking trip WITHOUT Sirius. I need to listen to CNBC. SMILE. That loaner didn’t have Sirius. I am so RELIEVED that I had asked.

They scrambled around & got me another loaner that had Sirius. This was FANCY. Fancier than mine! It was a 2023 whereas mine is a 2022. It also has Premium Sound & is a B6 (whereas mine is a B5 with POLESTAR). So, at least, I don’t have to slum it. It is pretty nice car — with only 3,000 on the clock (whereas mine (after 16 months) has 12,900 miles). Plus, I will save myself around 800 miles on the lease. SMILE. They still owe me.


I have had NOTHING but trouble with this XC60. I hate it. Never getting the software updated again.

Volvo XC60 (2022 ): Version 2.5 (& 2.3) Software Now Available.

by Anura Guruge
on December 6, 2022

Click images to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Link to ‘Volvo Support’.

Got an e-mail from ‘Volvo‘ saying that these updates are now available. Since I (alas) have a ‘B5’ I will NOT get it ‘OTA’ (Over the Air).

As luck would have it I have an upcoming service appointment, for my 1-year service, this coming Monday. I called them today & asked them to kindly add this update. While none of the listed fixes seem applicable, I have learnt from the past updates that each version is more STABLE. That is what I am looking for. Some stable software.

I have been on Version 2.2 since August 2022. Suffice to say that is the best software I have had on this accursed car since I leased it 13-months ago.

I will let you know, of course, what I discover when they install Version 2.5.

Volvo XC60 (2022 ): Satellite View In Google Maps & A Compass Of Sorts With Version 2.2 Of Software — BUT Blind Spot Detection NOT Working!

by Anura Guruge
on August 26, 2022

Click images to ENLARGE.

Notice COMPASS on right (2nd circle) with the RED arrow pointing North (correctly).

Yes, yes, I know. 2.2 has been available for over a month now, but yesterday was the first day that I had the time to take it to a dealership to have it downloaded. You cannot get it ‘Over the Air’ (OTA) for XC60 B5 models! {Yes, so much for Volvo’s prior promises about OTA updates.} Please also note that 2.2 has a LONG & disturbing list of KNOWN (possible) PROBLEMS — including this gem: ‘System performance might be slow‘! Today’s Volvo is but a sad joke — but the joke is on us the stupid suckers that bought 2022 Volvos.

I did NOT know that satellite view was finally there. Happen to see it, under settings, when I invoked maps. It looked updated, so I hit settings & BINGO, a on/off slider for satellite view. That is cool.

You also get this TEMPORARY display (mode) with the compass IF you tap on the screen. I have NOT worked out how to keep that mode on permanently. It reverts back to the non-compass mode after a ‘few seconds’. DAMN. The compass works.

I haven’t had time time to discover what else has changed. I did notice the “a stored pressure-message after the update” per the notes for software version 2.1 (which was also installed).

6 hours AFTER the update I was driving back home on I-95. It was 6:30. I-95 was busy. I was in the middle lane. I had traffic on both lanes on either side. That is when I noticed that my passenger side Blind Spot Detection WAS NOT WORKING. Driver side working like a champ. Could be just a coincidence.

I thought you were supposed to get a WARNING message if the sensors died. No warning message. I spoke with the dealership today. They are going to look into it. I will take it in — a FEW WEEKS from now! I don’t have time to take this car back & forth to the dealership which is 90-minutes away.

OK. More later if I see additional stuff. Hope this helps.

Volvo 2022 ‘Android Automotive Infotainment System’ Does NOT Support ‘Google Maps’ Satellite View. Sacré Bloody Bleu!

by Anura Guruge
on October 21, 2021

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From ‘CNET‘. Click here for link to original.

Click to ENLARGE. Posts on THIS Blog. Use blog’s SEARCH to locate & read.

This is pathetic. Volvo was taken to the cleaners by Google.


Google Maps without satellite view! My dealership (who I will not name right now) never informed me of this, THOUGH they, to their credit, told me about the LACK OFF Android Auto/Apple CarPlay & Sirius XM. I found the compass debacle on my own. Now this.

My disdain for Volvo continues to grow.

The Dealership (that will remain unnamed for now) keeps on ASSURING me that the 2022 Volvo XC60 I ordered on August 15, 2021 (& paid a HEFTY deposit for) will be delivered — as promised — on November 15, 2021. On September 14, 2021, a month into the order, we had agreed on November 15 as the drop-dead date. Well, let’s wait & see.

No satellite view. No compass. Yes, you don’t need any navigation in Sweden. Big country BUT not that many roads!

Sweden has 82,800 miles TOTAL of public roads!

Just the State of Massachusetts has 77,730 miles. New Hampshire, where I live, has 33,391. So, just MA & NH together, has more roads that ALL of Sweden. Hence, why Volvo doesn’t understand the need for decent navigation. In Sweden you can navigate just by the stars!

I am NOT amused. IF I do, by some miracle, get my XC60 on November 15, 2021, I will still not be a happy camper. SMILE.

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