Tag Archives: saline

J&J Could/Should Face Class Action Suit By Disgruntled COVID Vaccine Recipients (– I Among Them).

by Anura Guruge
on September 23, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

I kind of felt cheated from day one (& that is outside my belief that I (as a 4th-class alien was given a dose of saline)). There was, as you must recall, a stigma attached to the one-dose J&J COVID vaccine. It was the 2nd rate vaccine. The also ran.

The ‘Pfizer’ vaccine was the gold standard.

And now the booster shot debate has further accentuated this class distinction.

Those that got Pfizer get preferential treatment, those that got J&J just get screwed!

I am sure that there are ‘good’ lawyers out there busily collecting data on how many J&J vaccine recipients ended up still getting COVID — & (alas) how many have died. That would appear to be fertile grounds for a class action suit — accusing J&J of not being proactive enough in insisting on getting approval for a booster.

I could be wrong, but I have this nagging feeling that J&J is asking to be sued.

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I Started Wearing A Mask AGAIN — August 2, 2021.

by Anura Guruge
on August 2, 2021

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Given my advanced age & increasing frailty I really cannot afford to take a chance. I don’t want to end up in hospital having trouble breathing. Had asthma growing up & spent enough time in hospital gasping for breath.

I am THEORETICALLY vaccinated. But, as I have maintained from Day 1, I really don’t think they gave a dose of proper vaccine — J&J (or otherwise). I had zero (& I mean zero) side effects. That first night, I was rubbing my arm to see if I would feel anything. NADA. Nothing. It was as if they didn’t even puncture me with a needle. Well, they did give me an injection — BUT I am convinced that it was SALINE. I call it the special vaccination brand for non-essential minorities such as I. SMILE. Hey, it is OK. I have had a lifetime to get used to the discrimination.

This was March 2021. Vaccines were still at a premium. They didn’t want to WASTE a dose on some useless, colored guy. Give him a fake dose & send him home. With luck he will catch COVID & die. SMILE.

So, I decided to start wearing a mask again. I was surprised at how many others were wearing masks too.