Tag Archives: sabotaged

Are ‘Amazon’ Products Being Sabotaged?

by Anura Guruge
on August 23, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. See the clear cut — with a knife or scissors.

Click to ENLARGE. Same picture BUT with FLASH. Hence the change in color. CUT clearly visible.

Click to ENLARGE. The sun hat, from Amazon, in question.

I ordered a sun hat from ‘Amazon‘ last week. See image above. I arrived about 4-days later. Simple packaging — within a padded Amazon envelope. The hat was folded & packed within a ‘sealed’ cellophane bag. I took it out. The material was soft & pliable. I was excited. This was going to be a nice hat. Went to put it on. The chin strap just fell off to one side.

I thought that it had not been properly stitched in on one side. Wrong. The stitching on both sides was fine.

Somebody had intentionally CUT the strap. You could clearly see the cut. Slashed.


The cellophane was of the ‘lightly sealing’ type, i.e., you can reseal it again.

Was it a return?

Was it done at the Amazon warehouse by a disgruntled worker?

Was in done in China at the factory?


Yes, Amazon sent me a replacement.

Just a heads up.

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