Tag Archives: rugby

Why Is South Africa, Long A Staunch Ally, Now Participating In Naval War Games With Russia & China?

by Anura Guruge
on February 4, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’ (right) & from U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ (left).

This is NOT just crazy but stupid?

South Africa has been an ally of the West since the 1900s. They fought with US in both the World Wars. So, what are they now doing with Russia & China. This is NOT right.

South Africa, for heaven’s sake, is a CRICKET & RUGBY playing nation! They are not Commies — at least the last I knew.

This should not be happening.

They have to be brought back into the fold.

I am going to keep a keen eye on this. Not right. Not cricket.

For The ‘Haka’ Connoisseurs Among You — A Rare Dueling ‘Haka vs. Haka’ From Yesterday.

by Anura Guruge
on November 12, 2022

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Click image to play the short YouTube video or use YouTube embed below.

In a testament to how much ‘Google‘ (i.e., ‘YouTube‘) knows about — & assiduously tracks — my viewing habits, I got a NOTIFICATION from YouTube of this Haka! I am glad I did, but it is also scary that they know so much of about me & what I would find hard to resist. Yes, I like the ‘Haka’. I also like to like rugby & the ‘New Zealand‘ ‘All Blacks’ the Masters of Haka. So, this was neat. It was also cute. I wish they had done a better job of capturing more of the 5 New Zealand players in the ‘Barbarians squad’. But, at least we got a glimpse. The aerial shots tell it all. The photographers are all lain prone on the ground facing the All Blacks.

But, with the World Cup ending on Sunday, i.e., November 13, 2022, Willow will be back in the streaming business. Hence, why I wanted to share the upcoming schedule with you. They sent it to me in the form of an e-mail. Enjoy.

While we are at it, why don’t I share a couple more of my favorite Hakas.

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