Tag Archives: Rotary International

Delighted To See ‘Rotary International’ Taking The Lead In Packing Foam Recycling.

by Anura Guruge
on July 1, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

This is wonderful. This packing foam recycling BIN appeared at our recycling center a couple of weeks ago. But, until today, I had NOT noticed that it was a ‘Rotary International‘ initiative. That made me very happy & proud.

Though I am, YET AGAIN, (temporarily) NOT a Rotarian — Rotary is dear to my heart. I just need to find another Club that doesn’t try to force me into PRAYING! Smile.

Not sure which Club is doing this, but it looks like a Global project. This is wonderful.

It always bothered me that we couldn’t recycle packing foam. Seemed such a waste. I always kept some at home because the thought of throwing it away seemed wrong.

Now, thanks to Rotary we have a great solution. Bravo, Rotary. Thank YOU, Rotary. I am so proud of you.

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I Quit ‘Rotary’ Today Because My Religious Beliefs Preclude Me From Belonging To A Religious Organization.

by Anura Guruge
on October 4, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

The God-centric ‘Rotary Prayer’ that my ex-club was trying to get me to comply with!

Click to ENLARGE. Two versions of God-centric Rotary prayers. (Google for more).

Click to ENLARGE. Link to ‘The Washington Post’ original.

Rotary International‘ is said to be NON-RELIGIOUS.

Up until now, i.e., August 2023, religious prayers were NEVER an issue at the Laconia Rotary Club — where I WAS a member as of TODAY.

All of the Rotary Presidents I have had the honor of serving under, until now, understood & appreciated the NON-RELIGIOUS aspect of Rotary.

Not so now. The new leadership (as of July 2023), under the cunning influence of a Club Elder, has started to use the God prayer. The Club Elder had the AUDACITY to have LAMINATED card printed with that prayer! This is 2023.

I really STRUGGLED over this.

Very unlike I, who prefers not to mull too much about decisions & actions, I wrestled with this for weeks.

I finally decided that I cannot …

Just cannot.

NO, I WOULD NOT ask for the Club to rethink its stance. I strongly believe in majority-rule & democracy. I THINK I am the ONLY non-Christian in the Club. Yes, some may not be practising Christians now, but I think they were all born Christian. I can’t think of any that may be Judaic. I am also the ONLY NON-WHITE. The bulk of the Club is made of up retired males. They don’t have to change their ways for I. I would NEVER expect us.

This is why Darwin gave me LEGS. I can walk out — & I will. SMILE.

God-Centric ‘Rotary Prayer’ That I Cannot Abide.

by Anura Guruge
on August 26, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Two versions of God-centric Rotary prayers. (Google for more).

Click to ENLARGE. Link to ‘The Washington Post’ original.

Rotary International‘ is said to be NON-RELIGIOUS.

I also appreciate that the God-centric prayers, still referred to by SOME as ‘Rotary Prayers‘, are from way back — having their roots in the 1920s.

Up until now, i.e., August 2023, religious prayers were NEVER an issue at the Laconia Rotary Club — where I am currently a member of.

All of the Rotary Presidents I have had the honor of serving under, until now, understood & appreciated the NON-RELIGIOUS aspect of Rotary.

Not so now. The new leadership (as of July 2023), under the cunning influence of a Club Elder, has started to use the God prayer. The Club Elder had the AUDACITY to have LAMINATED card printed with that prayer! This is 2023.

I have ONLY been to ONE meeting where I was subjected to this prayer. I WAS STUNNED. So stunned that I was not quick enough to walk out. Well I have had plenty of time to reflect on it. As I have told a number of other members the NEXT TIME I am at a meeting where this prayer is invoked I WILL WALK OUT — & it will be my last meeting. My days at Rotary are numbered anyway. Very unlikely that I will be a Rotarian in 2024 — & IF I AM, it certainly will not be at this Club that is RAMMING GOD down my throat.

NO, I will NOT ask for the Club to rethink its stance. I strongly believe in majority-rule & democracy. I THINK I am the ONLY non-Christian in the Club. Yes, some may not be practising Christians now, but I think they were all born Christian. I can’t think of any that may be Judaic. I am also the ONLY NON-WHITE. The bulk of the Club is made of up retired males. They don’t have to change their ways for I. I would NEVER expect us.

This is why Darwin gave me LEGS. I can walk out — & I will. SMILE.

I lucked out this week. We had a temporary leader. He knew that I was all set to walk out. So, he, very astutely & KINDLY, did a ‘minute of contemplation’. That was VERY COOL & I am very grateful for his gracious act (so much so that I treated him to lunch).

Smile. Well some of you know my feelings about prayer — never mind God.

Ambling About ‘Laconia’ New Hampshire — December 15, 2022 — & The Things That Caught My Eye.

by Anura Guruge
on December 15, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click images to ENLARGE.

Laconia, New Hampshire, a dowager mill town, established in 1855, & with a current (year round) population of around 16,000, is always quaint — but in the winter, once the cold sets in it becomes even more attractive in that it assumes an air of lanquidity & laid-backness. The sidewalks are near empty & everything looks & feels unhurried.

When I lived in ‘Gilford’, which is basically next-door, I used to spend a lot of time in Laconia. But now living 40-minutes away I hardly ever visit — other than on Thursday, IF I am attending a ‘Rotary Club‘ meeting. Well today was Thursday & I did attend Rotary. After the meeting I ambled about, happily, for an hour taking in the sights. Didn’t really meet or bump into anyone on the sidewalks. I didn’t venture into any of the establishments after I had bit adieu to a friend at his Realty Office. I like my ambling to be tranquil — & it was. If you have never been, visit Laconia — ideally on a semi-warm, winter day.

| All taken with my (June 2022 (2nd)) Google Pixel 6 Pro. | Post processing limited, at most to just adjusting brightness, if & when required. | Attribution will be strictly ENFORCED. |