Tag Archives: Rochester

‘We’ Got Caught In The ‘Market Basket’ Credit Card Processing SNAFU & Ensuing Nightmare.

by Anura Guruge
on May 10, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. (Left) from ‘Google News‘. (Right) photo Deanna took of ‘Market Basket’ in ‘Rochester‘, N.H.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘WBZ News‘ in Boston. Click for original.

When I say ‘WE’ (here) I am referring to wife & 17-year old daughter. It was my daughter’s weekly shop. She likes ‘Market Basket‘. I like ‘Market Basket’ too, for most things (especially their ‘killer’ spinach swirls) BUT I refuse to drive an additional 25 minutes to shop there. So, I shop at our local ‘Hannaford‘ in ‘Alton‘.

They go to the NEW Market Basket in Rochester, New Hampshire.

That is where they got caught in the nightmare. They stood in line for 45 minutes! 45 minutes.

NO WAY I would have done that. Just no way. I don’t have that type of patience.

I would have done one of two things:
1/ LEFT leaving the loaded car behind.

2/ Go find an ATM, pull out enough CASH & come back.

This was NOT acceptable. Market Basket should compensate all the affected parties. Not difficult. It was all those that paid by credit card. They have that information. Send them a REFUND. Doubt it will happen.

Just glad I wasn’t involved. Thankful for small mercies like that.

Getting Chinese Takeout, In The ‘Rochester’ (N.H.) Area, At Thanksgiving & Christmas Is Getting Increasingly Challenging!

by Anura Guruge
on December 25, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.

We like Chinese at Thanksgiving & Christmas. It is a long-standing tradition. In the early days we used to go out for it. Then we settled on takeout (even prior to COVID).

During the last few years, this year & last in particular, it has been beyond crazy trying to order takeout.


At Thanksgiving only ‘China Palace‘ was open. They just couldn’t handle the demand. They tried. They just were overwhelmed.

Ditto, today, Christmas. They couldn’t even get to the phone. There were 2 hour waits for takeout. Yes, we finally managed to get some (not exactly what we wanted given the menus had been curtailed) though it was a STRUGGLE.

We will have to think of alternative approaches next year.

‘Lamberts Auto & Truck Recyclers’ (i.e., Junk Yard), Rochester, N.H. — Impressively Good. WOW!

by Anura Guruge
on September 28, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Their flyer. Their Facebook page.

OK, I will readily CONFESS. This is the FIRST junk yard I have EVER visited — let alone done business with. [Yes, I have led a very sheltered life.] So, I don’t have anything to compare them to on a truly apples-to-apple basis. But, on a purely business transaction basis, or that of selling car they, i.e., ‘Lamberts’ was good. AMAZING. I was blown away by their efficiency, courtesy, congeniality & professionalism.

So, today was the final piece of my 2022 car rationalization program. Got rid of two old cars & leased a new one, i.e., the Mazda CX-30 last week. So, now we have 3 new SUVs, all leased (not counting the 1969 MGB (under wraps in the garage) & the 1989 V-12 Jaguar XJS convertible (in storage)).

Last month I begrudgingly got rid of my beloved 2002 Jaguar XJ8. I just was not driving it.

Today, I got rid of the dog’s car. Yes, we had a car for wet dogs — a 2008 Ford Taurus. We beat on that car. It was filthy inside from the wet dogs. I also used it to haul garbage. It needed work. Its inspection sticker was running out in 2-days. It was NOT worth getting it fixed. So, I decided to have it junked.

I had NO experience, whatsoever, of junking a car previously — though over the last 4 decades I must have owned at least 40 cars. {Yes, I go through cars often, & have multiple cars at once.}

I looked around. Searched the Web. Saw a billboard — & took its picture.

Lamberts was the closest.

I saw that they CLAIMED that they were giving $600 for complete cars.

That is what they gave me. $600.

It, i.e., the Taurus, weighed in at 4,260 pounds –> 2.13 tons. So, per their $225/ton rate I should have only got $479.25).

BUT, THEY STUCK to what it said on their PROMO. I was impressed & amazed. I expected that I would have to do some haggling. NO. NOTHING. No haggling. SMILE.

The ladies in the office were super helpful, friendly & efficient. I was in-and-out with my cash, & a SMILE, in less than 10-minutes — & they even took my old plates off & handed them to me. What service.

I don’t think I will have a car to junk any time soon. But, I would like to go back. Would be a great place for taking my photos. WOW. I might just have to buy a junker so I can take it to them! It was THAT GOOD. Yes, I recommend them highly & unconditionally.

Forget TP, Semiconductors & Metamucil, We Have An Acute Shortage Of Exotic Birds.

by Anura Guruge
on June 13, 2021

Empty exotic bird display Petco
Click to ENLARGE. Empty exotic bird display at Petco in Rochester, New Hampshire.

Yes, the feathered ones; colorful, cute & chirpy. Yes, we have a shortage, a acute one at that. The availability of exotic birds has plummeted, supposedly, by a factor of 10. Whereas there might have been 40 a week available in the past, now it is down to, maybe, with luck, 4.

So, am I in the market for an exotic bird. No, I am not. I do not think I have ever owned or had a bird as a pet. I like birds. But, not sure I would want one.

So, how did I find out about this shortage? We were at Petco (in Rochester, NH) yesterday. We took Rowen there so she can socialize.

Whenever I go to Petco I like to take pictures of the turtles, hamster, fish, lizards & birds. Bingo. Birds. The display cage, as you can see above, was empty. It was bare. The manager was close by, so I asked him. That is how I found out. He was saying that he is having a real hard time getting any birds. He places his regular weekly order & many weeks he gets none. Other weeks he gets a drastically reduced number.

So, I am letting you know, just in case you are in the market or plan to be.