Tag Archives: return

Amazon Wants 16-Days To Process My ‘Beelink SER6 Max’ Mini PC Return.

by Anura Guruge
on January 7, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

Yes, Amazon, on its return policy does say, very clearly, that they reserve the right to TEST returned computers. That is fair enough. Yes, I do appreciate that we have unscrupulous folks out there.

Plus, it was the holidays.

That said, 16-days does seem a tad excessive.

Not sure whether this is Amazon or Beelink.

Well, I still have 4-days to go. I will let you know what transpire. Plus, they can whack me with a 15% restocking fee. That is fair enough too.

The Beelink WORKED. I just didn’t like the AMD Ryzen processors. I had no experience of them prior to this. I will NEVER buy AMD again (though I am an AMD shareholder.)

So, to be fair to Amazon again, I returned this because I didn’t like it — rather than because it didn’t work. See below.

Click to ENLARGE. IF you want to see it on ‘Amazon‘.

Click image to access my post from 5 days ago.


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I Have Mixed Feelings About The Netherlands Returning Looted Colonial-Era Artifacts To Sri Lanka.

by Anura Guruge
on July 6, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Link to original from ‘CNA’.

Yes, it was wrong. But this was THEN. Colonial times. Lot of bad things happened. They stole LAND — for cripes sake! Are they going to return the LAND? Of course NOT.

In the case of Sri Lanka & the Netherlands we are only talking about a FEW SMALL pieces — though one of them is this exquisite GOLD model of a canon. It is special & beautiful. People need to be able to see it, appreciate it — enjoy it.

In this case we are NOT talking about the ‘Elgin Marbles‘ or a unique jewel.

Hence my dilema.

The Dutch have these pieces, on display, in TOP museums. Lot of people get to see them — though to be fair, not as many Sri Lankans.

So …

That is my only point. Access & visibility. Are they better off on display in Holland, clearly marked as coming from Sri Lanka, or in a museum in Sri Lanka. Enough said. I have NO say in this. Just voicing my {useless} opinion.

{Aside. Way back, in the early 1960s, one of the many ‘acting’ roles my adoptive father had was as the Director of the Colombo Museum. He was also the Director of the Colombo zoo. Fun days.}

My Damaged ‘Pixel 6 Pro’ Is Delivered OVERNIGHT To ‘Google’ For Repair By ‘FedEx’.

by Anura Guruge
on June 30, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. ‘FedEx’ & ‘Google’ tracking.

That was impressive & I am pleasantly amazed. This is the 2nd time in the week that FedEx has exceeded my expectations. WOW. Thanks, FedEx.

I guess this is the deal Google has with FedEx for returns/repairs — given that most people are hoping to get their ‘fixed’ Pixel as quickly as possible.

Kind of amusing that Google/FedEx takes 3 days (or more) to deliver new Pixels. I know. I have ordered a few. SMILE. Minimum 3 days as of when Google says shipped. But, a repair is delivered the next day. I am NOT complaining. It is all good.

Though Google sent me an (automated) e-mail saying that it might take a day or two before my Pixel was inspected, I got another e-mail within a couple of hours.

My Pixel 6 Pro had been inspected & the damage was as I had stated. Cracked/broken screen. Hence, their initial estimated price of $259 stood. That was good. They had already made a provisional charge against my credit card for that amount.

So … so far, so good.

I will keep you posted (quite literally).