Tag Archives: retinal detachment

‘Vitreous Detachment’: Eye Condition, Signaled By Flashes & Floaters, That Inflicts The Old, Which Should NOT Be Ignored.

by Anura Guruge
on November 19, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia link.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. ‘National Eye Institute’ (NIH) link.

Though it is considered to be common among the old, i.e., those above 60, & mainly ‘harmless’ (much of the time), it is one of those conditions that one must not ignore or take lightly. It can lead to complications or what you think is ‘vitreous detachment‘ could be the hugely more serious ‘retinal detachment‘. It is not something you want to mess around with. Worst case you could lose vision in that eye — permanently. Not something that you probably want to content with.

Seeing flashes of light or floaters in your eye is a sure sign that you might have vitreous detachment. If you habitually have flashes & floaters, & have done so for eons since your youth, then you should be on the lookout for any marked increase.

In my case I was not accustomed to flashes or floaters. Moreover, my amazing cataract surgeon, the unimpeachable Dr. Theodor Sauer, had given me an important heads up earlier this year during a follow-up visit. He said that IF I were to experience any flashes or floaters that I should immediately call ‘OCB‘. I take everything he says seriously. So, when I suddenly noticed light flashes in my left eye this Tuesday evening I immediately knew that something was not right. I LUCKED OUT. My local eye doctor in Concord (of many, many years), i.e., ‘Capital Vision Center‘, & ‘OCB’ both scrambled to help me. I am so grateful. I was in a panic. I was NOT in a fit state to drive to Boston. So, I rushed to Concord. Dr. Tyler Webber, an excellent young doctor, did a comprehensive eye exam. He assured me, showing me all the images, that what I had — for now — was vitreous detachment. That was a relief.

I am NOT out of the woods as yet. I am at high risk for the next 30-days. Then the chances of further complications get smaller. So, I have to weather the next month — fingers crossed. I have to be careful NOT to jar my head too much. I sure will try.

This was, quite literally, an eye opener for I. I did not know about vitreous detachment. I knew a bit about retinal detachment. Hence, this post. My mission is to educate others. Make sure that they know what the signs are. So, please pass this along.