Tag Archives: resignation

Is British ‘Cardinal Arthur Roche’ Inching Towards Becoming Papabile?

by Anura Guruge
on February 24, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

When he was created a cardinal in August 2022 I thought he was (at 71) a tad too young to be papabile. I still think that he is a couple of years too young, BUT for this one possibility — & that is IF Pope Francis resigns. While I do not want him to resign & there are some who are adamant that Francis has too much of an ego & AN AGENDA to entertain resignation, I am reluctant to totally rule it out. While it is no secret that Francis loves being pope, I also think (possibly wrongly) that he is getting increasingly frustrated by having to constantly appear in public looking physically enfeebled. I think that also plays to his ego. He doesn’t want to be remembered as this doddering, wheelchair bound pope.

IF Francis resigns, that changes the age dynamics as to the next pope. Why? Because we would now have had two popes, in succession, that resigned. While, two DOES NOT make a trend, it does leave the door much more open (& amenable) to more future resignations. So, in theory, one doesn’t have to worry about a new young pope ruling for the next 25 years. Instead, one now has the possibility that the next pope MIGHT also opt to resign — after say 15-years — once they are in their early 80s. That is what will change IF Francis resigns — the acceptability of a younger pope WITH the hope that he will not cling onto power until the bitter end decades down the road. While capitulations (i.e., a formal agreement by a papabile to undertake certain obligations (in this case resignation after x years)) are forbidden, I am sure that we are all adult enough to appreciate that ‘informal’ promises are made by those seeking this much sought after office.

Cardinal Arthur Roche, as my 2nd image shows, has been making quite a bit of news of late. While traditionalists, especially the U.S. Catholics, may not like or agree with what he is saying & doing, he definitely appears to be Francis’ new enforcer. That could mean that he could — & should — get the vote from the Francis wing of the cardinal electors. Yes, it is true that they still don’t have the 2/3 majority to shoehorn in the next pope. But, if Roche can get most of the Francis vote he will have some footing to mount a push towards soliciting others to come around.

I also think that the next pope will be a curialist. And Roche has been one for over 10 years now. Plus, he is OLDER than Tagle. So, I am NOT saying that Roche will be the next pope. Far from that. I am just pointing out that IF (& only IF) Francis resigns we should not overlook Roche as a potential papabile. OK? Got that?

February 28 Is The 10 Year Anniversary Of “Benedict XVI’s” Resignation — I Really Hope “Pope Francis” Is Not THINKING Of Resigning.

by Anura Guruge
on February 23, 2023

Click image to access the full article on ‘NCR‘. Google for more coverage.

I am NOT an advocate of papal resignations. I think it detracts from the office.

Francis has talked about the possibility of him retiring since more of less day 1 of his office. But, most (if not ALL) of us who are serious Vaticanologist KNEW he would never resign while Ex-Pope ‘Benedict XVI’ was alive. Well, that is no longer an impediment.

Yes, Pope Francis at 86 is OLD & is now the 3rd OLDEST pope in recorded history. He doesn’t look or act happy. Also take a look at the photo above. He has put on a LOT of weight. Yes, lack of mobility has to be an issue.

I get a feeling, & as always I could be very wrong, that he is frustrated. He doesn’t like being incapacitated & not being able to do his job. But, I hope he does NOT resign. Definitely NOT on Feb. 28. That would create a dangerous precedent. February 28 the day when popes resign. That will NOT do.

‘Pope Francis’ Yet Again Opts For A Private Lenten Retreat In 2023 — Is This A Precursor To An Announcement?

by Anura Guruge
on January 24, 2023

Click image to access the full article on ‘CNA‘. Google for more coverage.

This will be the 4th year in a row that Pope Francis has opted for a private Lenten retreat. The pope going to a Lenten retreat, away from Rome, with the heads of the Vatican dicasteries was a fond, much anticipated tradition started by Pope Pius XI (1922 — 1939). So, it is a practice going back close to a century.

That the pope, because of COVID, opted for a private retreat in 2022 & 2021 is understandable.

In 2020 he stayed back because he was suffering from a bad cold — & COVID was beginning to raise its ugly head.

Obviously this year the impediment, indubitably, also has to be health. And that is what makes you — or more to the point I — start to wonder.

Is the pope slowly getting ready to announce his retirement?

Yes, there was plenty of talk & speculation on this matter last year — some of it prompted by the pope himself.

But all of us with some understanding of the papacy & the Vatican knew that Francis would not retire while ex-pope Benedict XVI was still alive. Having two ex-popes would have been too much for the Church.

But, now Benedict XVI is gone — & the one month anniversary will be next week.

Benedict XVI resigned on February 28, 2013.

February 28 is just 5 weeks away.

I sure hope he doesn’t retire on February 28.

That will create a terrible precedent, February 28 becoming the accepted day for contemporary popes to retire.

I get a feeling Francis is discouraged by his health. He isn’t the happy fellow he was in 2013. The papacy has taken its toll on him.

We just have to wait & see.

Rumors Of Pope Francis’ Resignation In August BETTER BE UNFOUNDED.

by Anura Guruge
on June 6, 2022

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From ‘Google News’.

I do NOT believe that Pope Francis will resign anytime soon — & that timeframe sure includes August 2022.

I think Francis (Donald Trump in a white cassock) LOVES being pope — & the absolute power he has (within his domain).

Being confined to a wheelchair pricks his pride — just like Trump not wanting to wear a mask. So, that is a slight setback, BUT not enough to make him resign.

Some claim that he is sicker than what is being let on. If so let nature prevail or let the Vatican implement ‘Plan B‘. (Smile) The Vatican hasn’t used ‘Plan B’ in a very long time. The last time — POSSIBLY — was 1978. As far as I am concerned those are the only two options: nature taking its course or Vatican ‘Plan B’.

Francis will NOT be able to abide NOT being pope. He will hate it. Trump had no choice. If he had one he would have stayed on. Francis has a choice & he is NOT going to throw it away.

Propagating the notion that it is OK for a pope to resign is BAD. I was shocked that Benedict XVI, till then such a traditionalist, resigned. Not good. John Paul II basically demonstrated that you don’t come down from the cross.

Having two ex-popes will NOT be good for the Church.

Yes, the Church has had 3 LIVING POPES in the past — but that was NOT a good passage of time. It was during & just after the Great Western Schism. We already have major cracks, if not outright schisms, & another resignations will cause shock waves that will widen these cracks.

And he better NOT resign WITHOUT normalizing the more than 120 cardinal elector issue.

That would be irresponsible.

Well, you now know where I stand on this. SMILE.

Rumors Of Pope Francis’ Resignation & His Supposed Edict On The Status Of A ‘Pope Emeritus’.

by Anura Guruge
on August 24, 2021

Click image to access the Motu Proprio at the Vatican site.

I do believe that Pope Francis could very well be working on an edict that defines the role of a ‘Pope Emeritus‘.

That, however, should NOT be taken as an indication that Pope Francis is planning to resign anytime soon.

If anything it could indicate the very opposite, i.e., that Pope Francis intends to be in absolute charge for many years to come (God willing (of course, in his special case)). What?

We already have a Pope Emeritus.

That pope emeritus has NOT lived up to his original promise to stay, firmly, in the background, devoting his entire time & energies into prayer & meditation.

NO! That pope emeritus has over the years, with increasing frequency, become quite the gadfly. Of late, with the Latin Mass controversy not abating, the pope emeritus has become lightning-rod. A rallying point. A figure who could inspire a genuine schism.

So, my druthers is that Pope Francis will issue an edict limiting the ‘visibility’ of the pope emeritus. Essentially putting a gag order on the ex-pope. To be fair, Francis has the right — & the motives — to do so. The ex-pope is becoming too much of a distraction.

That is my take. Yes, Francis could very well be working on an edict to redefine the status of a pope emeritus. But, that does NOT mean that he is planning to resign. The edict is to curb the voice of the current ex-pope.

I do not see Pope Francis resigning in the coming 12-months, if not longer. He has become addicted to his power & stature. There is no way he will give it up now — even if his health starts to falter. He will do what other popes have done. He will cling on to the papacy until ‘God’ makes the final summons. That used to be the way until the current ex-pope rocked the boat.

I could, as ever, be wrong, but this is by current take. Please feel free to contradict me. Comments are open.