Tag Archives: resign

‘Pope Emeritus’ Makes More Sense Than ‘Emeritus Bishop Of Rome’.

by Anura Guruge
on August 24, 2022

Click image to access the original article.

In the end, once you get past the emotive stuff, an EX-POPE is an EX-POPE.

You can’t deny or try to hide that an ex-pope was once a pope. So, pope emeritus does not bother me — though I would prefer ex-pope since that is more ‘obvious’.

Saying ‘Emeritus Bishop of Pope’ will just add confusion.

Plus, what is the point — really.

The pope by definition is the Bishop of Rome & the Bishop of Rome by definition is the pope.

You can’t be one without being the other. So, why obfuscate. Call a spade a spade.

Again, I will stress that I think EX-POPE sounds better — especially when the ex-pope continues to use his assumed papal (i.e., regnal) name. So, to I, Ex-Pope Benedict XVI is OK. That, you will notice, is how I always refer to him these days. Ex-Pope Benedict XVI is both technicall7 & factually accurate. He was Pope Benedict XVI, now he is EX-POPE Benedict XVI. All adds up. I don’t see a need to complicate it any further.

As ex-pope he is also, by definition, ex-Bishop of Rome. That goes without saying.

That he is a bishop cannot be taken away.

As to whether he is still a cardinal is a whole different matter & something outside of this post.

The Two Sides To Pope Francis’ Statement That ‘Nothing Wrong With A Pope Stepping Down’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 30, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From pages 16 – 17 of my ‘Electing Next Pope‘ book.

Pope Francis (possibly to the surprise of some) is dead right in that a pope can resign BUT the thorny issue has to do with the part that he added claiming: ‘there was nothing wrong‘. That claim is contentious.

Papal resignations, thanks to St. Celestine V (#196, 1294), have been legally permissible since 1294. Celestine, way shrewder than most realize, got this legalized before he opted to resign. But, that was in 1294. [In 1917, papal resignations were CODIFIED within Canon Law. So, there is no doubt or debate that a pope can officially resign/retire/abdicate. Perfectly kosher.]

However, since 1294, only two popes have resigned!

726-years & 71 popes since 1294 & only 2 have resigned/retired.

ONLY 2 out of 71. 2.8%.

That must say SOMETHING.

If it was SO ‘OK’ for popes to resign don’t you think we might have had a few more.

Yes, of course, being Pope is the ultimate job in the world. Prior to Francis saying ‘NO SO’ the pope was the Vicar of Christ (on earth). It doesn’t get better than that. A Pope has total autocratic powers & within the sovereign ‘Vatican City State’ he cannot be held accountable for any of his actions BY ANYONE on earth. So, it is not a job that one would relinquish lightly.

In recent years we have seen at least two popes that hung on to the end despite serious, lingering health issues: Pius XII & John Paul II. The latter is said to have stated or implied that ‘you cannot climb down from the Cross‘.

While resignations are legal they do cause issues — unsettling the flock key among them. Then there is the possibility (some times even real danger) that there could be a schism. It also ‘weakens’ the OFFICE of the papacy — makes it feel more mortal! No longer an office held for life. An office that the holder can renounce & walk away.

So, while Francis is right that a pope can resign, he probably is wrong in saying that there is nothing wrong with it.

Rumors Of Pope Francis’ Resignation In August BETTER BE UNFOUNDED.

by Anura Guruge
on June 6, 2022

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From ‘Google News’.

I do NOT believe that Pope Francis will resign anytime soon — & that timeframe sure includes August 2022.

I think Francis (Donald Trump in a white cassock) LOVES being pope — & the absolute power he has (within his domain).

Being confined to a wheelchair pricks his pride — just like Trump not wanting to wear a mask. So, that is a slight setback, BUT not enough to make him resign.

Some claim that he is sicker than what is being let on. If so let nature prevail or let the Vatican implement ‘Plan B‘. (Smile) The Vatican hasn’t used ‘Plan B’ in a very long time. The last time — POSSIBLY — was 1978. As far as I am concerned those are the only two options: nature taking its course or Vatican ‘Plan B’.

Francis will NOT be able to abide NOT being pope. He will hate it. Trump had no choice. If he had one he would have stayed on. Francis has a choice & he is NOT going to throw it away.

Propagating the notion that it is OK for a pope to resign is BAD. I was shocked that Benedict XVI, till then such a traditionalist, resigned. Not good. John Paul II basically demonstrated that you don’t come down from the cross.

Having two ex-popes will NOT be good for the Church.

Yes, the Church has had 3 LIVING POPES in the past — but that was NOT a good passage of time. It was during & just after the Great Western Schism. We already have major cracks, if not outright schisms, & another resignations will cause shock waves that will widen these cracks.

And he better NOT resign WITHOUT normalizing the more than 120 cardinal elector issue.

That would be irresponsible.

Well, you now know where I stand on this. SMILE.

Rumors Of Pope Francis’ Resignation & His Supposed Edict On The Status Of A ‘Pope Emeritus’.

by Anura Guruge
on August 24, 2021

Click image to access the Motu Proprio at the Vatican site.

I do believe that Pope Francis could very well be working on an edict that defines the role of a ‘Pope Emeritus‘.

That, however, should NOT be taken as an indication that Pope Francis is planning to resign anytime soon.

If anything it could indicate the very opposite, i.e., that Pope Francis intends to be in absolute charge for many years to come (God willing (of course, in his special case)). What?

We already have a Pope Emeritus.

That pope emeritus has NOT lived up to his original promise to stay, firmly, in the background, devoting his entire time & energies into prayer & meditation.

NO! That pope emeritus has over the years, with increasing frequency, become quite the gadfly. Of late, with the Latin Mass controversy not abating, the pope emeritus has become lightning-rod. A rallying point. A figure who could inspire a genuine schism.

So, my druthers is that Pope Francis will issue an edict limiting the ‘visibility’ of the pope emeritus. Essentially putting a gag order on the ex-pope. To be fair, Francis has the right — & the motives — to do so. The ex-pope is becoming too much of a distraction.

That is my take. Yes, Francis could very well be working on an edict to redefine the status of a pope emeritus. But, that does NOT mean that he is planning to resign. The edict is to curb the voice of the current ex-pope.

I do not see Pope Francis resigning in the coming 12-months, if not longer. He has become addicted to his power & stature. There is no way he will give it up now — even if his health starts to falter. He will do what other popes have done. He will cling on to the papacy until ‘God’ makes the final summons. That used to be the way until the current ex-pope rocked the boat.

I could, as ever, be wrong, but this is by current take. Please feel free to contradict me. Comments are open.