Tag Archives: repair

EMPTY BOX from Google Rather Than ‘Pixel 6 Pro (256GB)’ Replacement I Was Expecting — A Nightmare.

by Anura Guruge
on July 19, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.
Montage of the empty box (with NO labels) & the padded (sealed) FedEx envelope it was delivered in.

Click image to access my July 5, 2022, post related to this sad saga.

This was related to my efforts to get the cracked screen on my ‘Pixel 6 Pro (256G)’ repaired — by Google. After the $259 screen replacement the fingerprint sensor did not work. Google promised to now send me a REPLACEMENT as this was now a warranty issue.

Since I had already BOUGHT a new Pixel 6 Pro (256GB) prior to getting the old one repaired, I told Google I will first send in the defective phone BEFORE they shipped me the replacement. This way they would NOT charge my credit card for the replacement unit — while they awaited my return. I also indicated that I did NOT want a shipping box from Google since I already had several!

I FedExed the return on Friday, July 8, 2022.

Google received the return on Monday, July 11, 2022.

On July 12, 2022, I got e-mails (with tracking numbers) saying they were FedExing — overnight — the NEW REPLACEMENT.

So, I was expecting the REPLACEMENT.

On July 13, 2022, FedEx came & delivered me a padded envelope (sealed & undamaged) from Google. Much to my surprise they didn’t want a signature. I had been told that a signature would be required. {Strange} The envelope was remarkably light.

I opened it. There was a brown box with no labels on it. A genuine, virgin box.


I am holding an empty box rather than a replacement phone.

Googled it! Appears that this does happen, i.e., getting an empty box rather than a phone. All these posts said that it was a NIGHTMARE to get the problem resolved by Google. They were NOT KIDDING.

‘Google Store’ telephone & chat support sucks — sucks BAD!

It took me 3 telephone calls & 2 chat sessions before we finally got to the bottom of why I got an empty box rather than the replacement phone. I spent a total of 6 hours trying to get this resolved! 6 hours. It was NIGHTMARE.

This would have never been the case with Amazon telephone support. They would have fixed it in 20 minutes — max.

Google support was CLUELESS.

I was so desperate that I filed a POLICE REPORT!

Finally on my 3rd call, 6-hours after my 1st call, a Google rep. (who happened to be Indian) worked it out.

My replacement unit was still on the way. It had been delayed. There was NO problem with my replacement. It was coming — but it would NOT get to me for 2 more days.

The empty box was a MISTAKE.

They had send it to me so I could send my ‘damaged’ unit back.

But, I had already sent that in & they had received it.

Plus, I had said that I did NOT want a box to return my unit — I already had a box.

Sending the empty box was a MISTAKE on the part of Google.

Their mistake had cost me a lot of stress & the loss of 6 hours.

I am NOT happy.

Fingerprint Sensor On ‘Pixel 6 Pro’ Not Working AFTER $259 Screen Replacement By ‘Google’!

by Anura Guruge
on July 6, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Yesterday’s post annotated.

Click to ENLARGE. E-mail from ‘Google Store’.

The RETURN, to my DISMAY, is going back to ‘Cynergy‘ (who to my dismay) did the screen replacement!

I just had a feeling that this whole screen replacement of my Pixel 6 Pro, by ‘Google’, was gong ‘too good’ to be true! Well, my fears, alas, have come to roost. The $259 repair was a FARCE.

When I started setting up the repaired phone I started getting an error message saying that the fingerprint sensor was NOT working!


Hadn’t they checked. Google claims that the phones are tested, robotically, after repair BEFORE they are shipped back. Well, they obviously hadn’t checked the fingerprint sensor.

I did a quick Google. Appears that this is a KNOWN problem on Pixel 6s. It is said to be a SOFTWARE BUG. The software refuses to recognize the fingerprint sensor on replaced screens.

The error message I kept on getting directed me towards my warranty!

So, I called up Google.

They seemed to know what the problem was.

They made a HALF-HEARTED attempt to get me to download, via my PC, a FINGERPRINT CALIBERATION TOOL. It did not work. It would NOT load. Google was expecting that! Hhhmmm.

Then they said they will give me a replacement. I chose the option where I sent in the defective phone first & they then replace it once they got it. That is what I am doing. Plan to drop it off with FedEx on Thursday. I will, of course, keep you posted.


I Got My REPAIRED ‘Pixel 6 Pro’ Back In 6 Days (Delayed By A Day Due To July 4th)!

by Anura Guruge
on July 5, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. ‘Google’ tracking.

Wow. That was FAST. I did NOT expect it to be that fast. IF I had been waiting for it, I would have been thrilled. I, however, got a new Pixel 6 Pro BEFORE I sent my damaged one for repair. But, this is good to know. Full turnaround in less than a week — & it would have been a day quicker if NOT for July 4th.

Repaired (left) & before.

I noticed from the packing label that the repair was NOT done by Google. Instead it appears to be a company called ‘Cynergy’. See below. I looked them up. Hhhhmmm. They, for a start, have a NON-SECURE Website & some HORRENDOUS reviews on Reddit. Hhhhmmm. I had believed that the repair would be done by Google. Not too happy about that.

I sent my damaged Pixel 6 Pro in the original box it came in. But, I never got that box back. They sent the repaired one in a slimmer Google box! Hhhhmmm. I guess they throw away the original boxes when they come in. Not impressed with that.

But, that is my story. Hopefully, I will NOT have to have a Pixel repaired again! Fingers crossed.

My Damaged ‘Pixel 6 Pro’ Is Delivered OVERNIGHT To ‘Google’ For Repair By ‘FedEx’.

by Anura Guruge
on June 30, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. ‘FedEx’ & ‘Google’ tracking.

That was impressive & I am pleasantly amazed. This is the 2nd time in the week that FedEx has exceeded my expectations. WOW. Thanks, FedEx.

I guess this is the deal Google has with FedEx for returns/repairs — given that most people are hoping to get their ‘fixed’ Pixel as quickly as possible.

Kind of amusing that Google/FedEx takes 3 days (or more) to deliver new Pixels. I know. I have ordered a few. SMILE. Minimum 3 days as of when Google says shipped. But, a repair is delivered the next day. I am NOT complaining. It is all good.

Though Google sent me an (automated) e-mail saying that it might take a day or two before my Pixel was inspected, I got another e-mail within a couple of hours.

My Pixel 6 Pro had been inspected & the damage was as I had stated. Cracked/broken screen. Hence, their initial estimated price of $259 stood. That was good. They had already made a provisional charge against my credit card for that amount.

So … so far, so good.

I will keep you posted (quite literally).