Tag Archives: rental

“George Harrison’s” Childhood Home (in Liverpool) Is Now Owned By A Gentleman From New Hampshire & It Is Available For Vacation Rental!

by Anura Guruge
on September 2, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Link to ‘New York Post’ article.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘booking.com’.

Click to ENLARGE. This is the gentleman. I am NOT going to give you a link. Find him IF you must.

This is mega-cool. And he got is at quite a decent price too — especially by U.K.’s notoriously high real estate prices. Good on him.

Quite the story. Check it out. I happen to see a reference to this story yesterday & made a note to check it out. Wasn’t difficult to track down. Glad I did. I wanted to share with YOU.

Rental prices aren’t bad either. I would say very reasonable.

I am just a tad sad that George is no more. He was a good, decent doobie. I am glad that Ken Lambert has done this. Lucky man. He will do well. Congratulations.