Tag Archives: Reddit

I Got My REPAIRED ‘Pixel 6 Pro’ Back In 6 Days (Delayed By A Day Due To July 4th)!

by Anura Guruge
on July 5, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. ‘Google’ tracking.

Wow. That was FAST. I did NOT expect it to be that fast. IF I had been waiting for it, I would have been thrilled. I, however, got a new Pixel 6 Pro BEFORE I sent my damaged one for repair. But, this is good to know. Full turnaround in less than a week — & it would have been a day quicker if NOT for July 4th.

Repaired (left) & before.

I noticed from the packing label that the repair was NOT done by Google. Instead it appears to be a company called ‘Cynergy’. See below. I looked them up. Hhhhmmm. They, for a start, have a NON-SECURE Website & some HORRENDOUS reviews on Reddit. Hhhhmmm. I had believed that the repair would be done by Google. Not too happy about that.

I sent my damaged Pixel 6 Pro in the original box it came in. But, I never got that box back. They sent the repaired one in a slimmer Google box! Hhhhmmm. I guess they throw away the original boxes when they come in. Not impressed with that.

But, that is my story. Hopefully, I will NOT have to have a Pixel repaired again! Fingers crossed.