Tag Archives: rape

Sexually Very Explicit 2018 Indian Movie ‘Garbage’ (On ‘Netflix’) Is NOT Garbage, But HIGHLY Disturbing.

by Anura Guruge
on May 13, 2023

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Click image to access the ‘IMDb.com’ listing for this documentary that has the feel of a movie.

Watch the YouTube trailer — BUT can only be seen ON YouTube because of age restriction.

Click image to access YouTube trailer. GRAPHIC!

Click to ENLARGE. From the YouTube trailer ABOVE.

This movie got some getting used to. The FIRST Indian movie I have seen (& I have been watching Indian movies for 60 years) with NUDITY (full frontal, at that) — never mind the explicit sex. Wow! This is NOT porn — hard or soft. It is a bona fide movie, with a clear storyline & message, that just happens to have a lot of vivid sex, in every form — with no effort to be subtle or discrete.

The message shown above stating that the ‘battleground is the vagina‘ is the basis of the story.

Yes, I guess we all see/hear this in the form of the gang rapes of women in India.

This is profoundly disturbing. This can’t be pie-in-the-sky. This stuff MUST HAPPEN in today’s India. Probably has for centuries. Yikes.

India has always been highly stratified society. Today, with the new wealth, drugs, rampant tourism, social media & nationalistic fevers things seem to have got out of control.

This is disturbing.

Obviously ‘the authorities’ & folks know. I guess much of it is tolerated. SOME of the messages from this movie MUST be — should be — widely disseminated. I am not sure I can recommend it on blanket basis. IF you are a mature adult who wants to know about some of the social issues besetting India you might want to watch this. Remember it is graphic & disturbing. Some scenes that are … Let’s just say BEYOND BAD!

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‘The Pecan Man’ By ‘Cassie Dandridge Selleck’ — ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ MkII?

by Anura Guruge
on July 24, 2021

Click image to access Amazon listing.

To Kill A Mockingbird” was the 1st school book I read, in the U.S., when I came here in 1967 as a 14-year old. It had a profound impact on I. I did NOT know much about U.S. racial injustice, but, nonetheless, enjoyed it for its gripping story. Yes, over the years I have revisited that book & made sure that all my kids read it. In the case of the last (whose name we will not mention (to spare blushes)) I made her read it out to me aloud because that was the only way she was going to read it — & it was part of her homeschooling curriculum (per I). It was kind of painful & I know it took us MONTHS.

I listened to ‘The Pecan Man’, on ‘Amazon Audible‘, earlier this week. I was blown away. It is very good. Very good. Brilliant, very light, very engaging style. I liked it so much that I bought the paperback so that others in the household can enjoy it.

The book actually, shamelessly, mentions “To Kill …” within its first page! Even the fictional town in which it is set has a name that starts: ‘May ..’, akin to ‘Maycomb’.

Yes, it involves a rape. But, it goes further, there is a murder as well!

But, there is no dramatic court scene. There are no court scenes at all, at all. I was going to say something, BUT I don’t want to giveaway too much.

Good book. Great book. Self-published I think. Bravo. She is a good writer (though I would NOT recommend her sequel to this book, which I finished listening to yesterday).

There was ONLY one thing in this book that gave me pause. Her deceased husband’s 1970s LTD has been languishing in the garage, not driven, not taken care of, for months. For months. In excess of 6, I think. But, it starts ‘first time’, with no problem. Maybe this was true with 1970s cars BECAUSE they had no electronics that sapped away at battery power. I need to check that. That was all.

Highly recommended.