Tag Archives: puppy

A Dog’s Life At The ‘Guruge’ Household.

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE & enjoy here.

This was yesterday afternoon. She, i.e., Rowen (our Newfie), was outside because Teischan was outside refurbishing an antique table. I had got Rowen a marrow bone. You can see it in the photos.

She now has three of these mini-trampolines. She likes to sleep on them. I got her the latest on Sunday. I drove 16 miles to pick it up. Two of them are in her pen.

This is the oldest of the three trampolines. It is sagging a bit. So, I brought out the pillows.

Rowen is NOT spoilt!

It is a myth that I spoil dogs & kids. I just take care of them. Others may spoil Rowen. Not sure about that.

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The Wonders Of The World Through The Eyes Of A 10-Month Old, 110lb, Newfie.

by Anura Guruge
on October 29, 2021

Click to ENLARGE.

I do NOT think I need to elaborate. The picture tells it all.

This is her beach. She has been there most days of her life since she was 10 weeks old. She takes it all in. She has a lot of gravitas. Very studious. Studies all in front of her. Just look at the picture.

Just in case you are wondering, that is ‘Halfmoon Lake‘ in Alton, N.H.

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‘Rowen’, Our 10-Month Old ‘Newfie’, Is Looking Forward To Her First Halloween.

by Anura Guruge
on October 19, 2021

Click to ENLARGE.

This is my 15-year old daughter’s doing — & it is HER dog. She is carving a HUGE pumpkin & Rowen is watching her with great interest, though she has now realized she does not like the taste of raw pumpkin.

When she first sent me these two pictures I thought, for a second, given how artistic she is, that she had carved these two lenses. Then I realized that they were a pair of glasses she has had for yonks. Rowen, by & large, lets her do anything to her. So … What can I say, but enjoy. SMILE.

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‘Bambi’ Is Getting Too Curious & Brazen For Its Own Good!

by Anura Guruge
on July 15, 2021

Click to ENLARGE — 3 images below or the Slideshow.

Slideshow (below) has the whole sequence. Lasted about 5-minutes. This time it wasn’t even scared away by a passing car. It was quite happy to stay in the field & watch us. In the end, WE left!

This is the second major encounter within 4-days. The July 11, 2021, encounter was chronicled here.

I am pretty sure that it has to be the same Bambi as 4-days ago. Essentially the same spot, maybe 25-yards further up the road.

It was in the process of crossing the road, into the Blueberry Farm, when we BOTH spotted each other. She darted across to the field, stopped & proceeded to just watch us.

We walked up closer & closer, slowly & without making much noise. We were so ‘good’ that we didn’t even disturb a chipmunk sitting on a stone eating a nut.

Bambi sure was not scared by us. It was awfully curious — especially of the Newfie pup, ‘Rowen’. Kept of watching Rowen rather than I. Rowen, on the other hand, paid no attention — just as she had 4-days earlier. Not sure she sees that well. But, she spots deer IF they are moving.

As you can see from the pictures she hung around. She did run off once, but that was just to circle around! In the end, we decided to leave her in peace & continue with our walk. It was getting hot.

Not happy that you can see her ribs. There is plenty of grass & vegetation. We have had a ton of rain. So, not sure what that is about.

I am kind of concerned that she is becoming too ‘tame’ for her own good. This is HUNTING country.

P.S., No animals were hurt in the making of this post.

| All taken with my (Jan. 2021) Google Pixel 5. | Post processing limited, at most to just adjusting brightness, if & when required. | Attribution will be strictly ENFORCED. |

‘Bambi’ Made No Attempts To Avoid Getting ‘Shot’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 11, 2021

Click to ENLARGE — 3 images below or the Slideshow.

Slideshow (below) has the whole sequence. Lasted about 3.5-minutes. Then a car, in the distance, disturbed it
(even though the car slowed down & stopped).

This was the 2nd of three deer I saw at this very spot this morning. It could have been the same one. I would not know.

This was ‘Prospect Mountain Road‘ — the dirt road that serves as our main thoroughfare hereabouts, with our road branching off it.

I saw the first deer when I was at least 1/4-mile away. It bounded across the road (at this very spot). There is a blueberry farm on the left & an abandoned shack, on quite a lot of acreage on the right hand side.

Saw this one (a Bambi) as I got close. It was young. Very delicate. It was curious rather than afraid. Rowen (our 8-month old Newfoundland puppy) either didn’t see it/smell it or chose to ignore it. Did not make a sound or make any attempt to go close to it. Bambi just stood there looking at us. Studying us. It was cute.

Then on the way back we saw another deer cross the road, from the opposite direction, at the same spot. Might have been the same deer. This time given the motion Rowen did spot it.

P.S., No animals were hurt in the making of this post.

| All taken with my (Jan. 2021) Google Pixel 5. | Post processing limited, at most to just adjusting brightness, if & when required. | Attribution will be strictly ENFORCED. |