Tag Archives: pupa

FREEING The 2nd Hatched Monarch Butterfly (2022).

by Anura Guruge
on September 7, 2022

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On a leaf on a Hibiscus plant after it flew away from the flower onto which it was released.

The release sequence. This time we released it straight from the bottle — doing so on our front steps.

From caterpillar to freed, healthy butterfly.

This was the SECOND Monarch Butterfly that we hatched
& successfully freed.

We have a third, still in the chrysalis phase inside that same BIG plastic bottle.

The 3rd caterpillar was a few days behind the 2nd in terms of
going into its cocoon. So, it will not emerge for a few days yet.

It is always neat to see the whole process from caterpillar to flying butterfly.

Also very gratifying to see it fly away. Hope it does well.

So, we still have one more to FREE. Stay tuned for the photos.

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FREEING The Hatched Monarch Butterfly (2022).

by Anura Guruge
on August 19, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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On a ‘Staghorn Sumac’ outside our uncovered deck after it flew off.

The release sequence. On our uncovered deck, next to the covered deck it lived in for the last 3 days building up strength.

From pupa to hatched — & then on the butterfly house with FRESH flowers.

Click to access this post from 3-days ago.

The intent all along was to set it FREE when it was ready.

Just before noon, today, we did just that.

It flew away & went straight to a staghorn sumac.

It was gratifying to see it fly away — appearing to be in good health.

It did not seem to be in any hurry to fly off. I think it was the change in temperature. The fully screened covered deck it lived in for the last 3 days is shaded & as such cool. Today was a warm, sunny day & hence it was HOT outside. I think it took it a few minutes to get used to the change in temperature. They are COLD blooded. So this change in temperature was probably quite a shock to the system. Maybe we should have done it gradually. We had NOT thought about it. But, once it took off, it seemed to be fine. Not erratic or weak.

I was glad. There was no way that I was going to keep it. So, this was ALL good. I am happy.

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Temporary Refuge For A Monarch Butterfly (2022) — From Caterpillar To Adult.

by Anura Guruge
on August 16, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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On a flower outside our hand-painted butterfly house.

NOT my doing & I am NOT taking any credit for this. All I am doing his documenting it.

‘They’ (& we will NOT mention any names) found the caterpillar while I was away on the ‘Bold Coast‘ at the start of August. When I came home the caterpillar had already become a chrysalis. Hence why I have no pictures of the caterpillar — but start with the pupa.

In 2019 we did rescue an injured monarch & nursed him for 10 days. We had used the same BIG plastic bottle.

This morning I noticed that the butterfly had emerged. It could NOT have been out for long.

Per the norm of the day, ‘Google’ provided guidance as what to do next. Again, I was not involved.

We do have a fully enclosed, covered deck brimming with plants. It makes a perfect, temporary, very safe, V. LARGE butterfly sanctuary. The butterfly was put in there. It is supposed to rest for 24 hours. So they brought in the recently hand-painted, hanging butterfly house from outside & put in inside the deck — with a collection of fresh flowers. They also cut some fresh fruit for it. We do look after our critters (or at least do our best). You can see these efforts in the last set of photos.

In a few days we will let it OUT. Set it FREE. That was always the goal.

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