Tag Archives: Prospect Mountain Road

Deer & Baby BAMBI Of The Day — July 9, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on July 9, 2023

Click images to ENLARGE.

Wow. Wow. Wow.

I lucked out. GOT to see a BABY BAMBI plus the mother. Saw the mother first. It is the same one that I have been seeing, roughly in this area, for the last ‘month’. That was good.

She saw me. She was NOT unduly perturbed. But, I backed away. I did NOT want to scare her. I am so glad. When I looked back, a few minutes later, BAMBI had appeared. So cute. Wow. Made my day. So, glad I did not scare the mother away.

One thing that WORRIES me. Look at the TOP picture. You can see the mother’s ribs. We have had a ton of rain & everything, including the grass, is growing like crazy. So, she has plenty to eat. I hope she is NOT sick. I am NOT an expert on deer. Maybe this is normal. If you KNOW, please let me know.

Poor LOST Baby Turkey Is Still There — Much To My Relief

by Anura Guruge
on July 29, 2023

Though I had to attend a ‘Laconia Rotary‘ meeting I made it a point to make a quick detour to see if it, i.e., the poor, lost, baby turkey, was still around. It was. I was happy & relieved.

It had NOT eaten any of the bird seed I had gone out & put last night. But, that is OK — as long as it is fine. I will continue to check on it daily.

Deer Of The Day — June 29, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on June 29, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

This is NOT the ‘Bambi’ I talked about yesterday.

This is an adult deer & it was at a very different place. Off ‘Prospect Mountain‘ but in a field that is slated for development.

I am sure that I photographed this deer before — 3 weeks ago. Exact same spot. Looks a tad bigger BUT it has had three weeks of excellent feeding.

First ‘Bambi’ Of 2023 On ‘Prospect Mountain Road’ — & I Hope It Will Make It Through The Summer.

by Anura Guruge
on June 28, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

Prospect Mountain Road‘, a long, dirt road, is the MAIN road off which our road is. It is about 400 yards from our house. I walk it EVERY DAY. I can’t basically get out without going on it.

It is quite rural & we have a lot of wild animals on it.

This time of year we start to see baby deer — born earlier this year. Bambis. Baby deer less than a year old. This is the first BAMBI I have seen on Prospect this year.

I have seen a few grown deer, but not the babies.

I have seen quite a few deer this year, including, ALAS, 4 ROAD KILLS (– one just yesterday). This is why I worry.

Baby deer have NO idea of danger. They will just stand on the road. Not good. Today I tried to slow down a car. It was postal carrier. They nearly mowed us BOTH DOWN.

Poor Baby Turkey That Has LOST Its Flock!

by Anura Guruge
on July 28, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

I first saw it 4 days ago. It is on ‘Prospect Mountain Road‘ — my main ambling drag. About 1/2-mile from home. I amble on that road most days.

When I first saw it, it was noticeably SMALLER, & was trying to hide from me in the grass & reeds. It did a fairly good job. I gave it a wide berth & made sure the dogs didn’t go anywhere close.

I have been keeping an eye on it since.

It is basically still in the same place — within a 100 yard radius.

To my delight, it has got bigger. So it must be finding some food.


I couldn’t see it. It could be that it is hiding/sleeping.

I hope it is OK.

Poor baby turkey. We have a LOT — a TON — on the road. Why it is on its own, apparently lost, is a mystery.

It distresses I. Poor little turkey.

I will keep you posted.

Spring 2023: ‘The Peepers’ Incessant & Loud, ‘Lakes Region’, New Hampshire.

by Anura Guruge
on April 15, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to play & hear the Peepers in this quick, 56-second YouTube video. Or use YouTube EMBED below.

This is just around the corner from where we live, about 1/4 of a mile. This is ‘Prospect Mountain Road‘. This is the road that I do most of my ambling. I walk on this stretch of road at least twice a day — often more. This patch is all wetlands (a bog) with a small pond in the middle. Hence all the peepers. Though the road itself is bone dry as you can see the wetland area is totally saturated with water from the snow melt.

I recorded this around 6:30pm on Saturday, April 15, 2023. Was taking the dogs for their quick evening stroll. They get a longer one around midnight. SMILE.

The peepers, as you can hear, were loud. Louder than normal. So, I thought I will record it so I can share it with you.

Enjoy. Spring in Central New Hampshire.

A Truck Carrying Blueberries Must Have Had To Hit The Brakes Hard — It Shed A Fair Load.

by Anura Guruge
on July 27, 2021

Click images to ENLARGE.

I came across it on my morning walk. There was a HUGE red stain on the road right before a major junction & a stop sign. It looked like the mother of all roadkills. I thought that a poor deer, a very large one at that, had met its end. Then I started seeing the blueberries, lots of them, by the side of the road. It wasn’t blood. It was squished blueberries. There was a few hundred dollars worth of fruit on the ground. SHAME.

Prospect Mountain Road‘, off which we live, has quite a few large, sprawling wild blueberry fields stretching across rolling hills. Most of these fields are commercially farmed. The accident was exactly 1-mile from this road. I know. I know all the distances around here from my daily walks.

It had to have fallen off the back of a truck or an open back window of a SUV. We are talking LOTS of blueberries. I am kind of surprised that no attempt was made to pick up the fruit that was on the ground. Remember we are talking wild blueberries. You pick them off the ground.

‘Bambi’ Made No Attempts To Avoid Getting ‘Shot’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 11, 2021

Click to ENLARGE — 3 images below or the Slideshow.

Slideshow (below) has the whole sequence. Lasted about 3.5-minutes. Then a car, in the distance, disturbed it
(even though the car slowed down & stopped).

This was the 2nd of three deer I saw at this very spot this morning. It could have been the same one. I would not know.

This was ‘Prospect Mountain Road‘ — the dirt road that serves as our main thoroughfare hereabouts, with our road branching off it.

I saw the first deer when I was at least 1/4-mile away. It bounded across the road (at this very spot). There is a blueberry farm on the left & an abandoned shack, on quite a lot of acreage on the right hand side.

Saw this one (a Bambi) as I got close. It was young. Very delicate. It was curious rather than afraid. Rowen (our 8-month old Newfoundland puppy) either didn’t see it/smell it or chose to ignore it. Did not make a sound or make any attempt to go close to it. Bambi just stood there looking at us. Studying us. It was cute.

Then on the way back we saw another deer cross the road, from the opposite direction, at the same spot. Might have been the same deer. This time given the motion Rowen did spot it.

P.S., No animals were hurt in the making of this post.

| All taken with my (Jan. 2021) Google Pixel 5. | Post processing limited, at most to just adjusting brightness, if & when required. | Attribution will be strictly ENFORCED. |