Tag Archives: Primary

Voting For The Very 1st Time In The U.S. — & I Voted For A Republican!

by Anura Guruge
on January 23, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

A RED LETTER day for I — one I really didn’t think would ever be. Glad I did.

Voting for the first time since 1982! I missed voting. Never missed voting in an election when I lived in the U.K. I am a born political creature.

Well, I finally got U.S. Citizenship (after 38 years) so that I could VOTE. So, I did — the first chance I had. Came back early from Acadia just to vote.

Kind of upset & disappointed that it is a PRETTY MEANINGLESS vote.

Democratic votes don’t count & ‘Trump‘ will win the Republican vote in N.H. & in the U.S.

When I heard that ‘DeSantis’ had dropped out I was very discouraged.

Voted for ‘Nikki Haley‘ as a VOTE AGAINST Trump.

After saying that I will CONFESS that I could live with Nikki Haley as President.

I am USED to Female Heads-of-State.

I would vote for her RATHER than ‘Joe Biden‘ in November! Yes, I would.

I will NOT VOTE for Biden. I like him a LOT. Loved him in 2008, 2012 & 2020. But, NOT so in 2024. He is TOO OLD. He is TOO WEAK. He is NOT PROTECTING the Border.

My life has probably been EVENLY SPLIT between being a Conservative/Republican & a Democrat. I definitely have Republican tendencies. SMILE.

This Proposal To Give ‘South Carolina’ The 1st Election Primary — Given That ‘New Hampshire’ Currently Has A State Law That Says IT HAS To Be ‘First-In-Nation’!

by Anura Guruge
on December 2, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’. NOTE Sen. Maggie Hassan pointing out THE LAW.

Click image to access the official Website about this law.

I cannot tell you the exact specifics but I have lived in New Hampshire long enough, i.e., 36-years, to know that there is a NH Law that insists that we have to be the ‘First In Nation’ when it comes to the Primaries.

You can see from the top image, that my Senator, dear ‘Maggie Hassan’, bless her, has already pointed this out. She obviously knows much, much … much more about this than I do. So, I am going to leave it in her capable hands.

I just wanted to make sure YOU had some appreciation.