Tag Archives: praying for peace

Pope Francis, Thank God, Gives Up On Praying For Peace, Acts Like An Adult & APPEALS For Peace Instead.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Vatican News‘ (click).

Click image to access my post from December 26, 2023.

It is so good & such a relief that Pope Francis accepts REALITY. His prayers are beyond useless. Pathetic. God just ignore him. Has to be very galling & embarrassing to him. No wonder he refuses to claim he is ‘Vicar of Christ‘. He is nothing but a very mortal, Catholic bishop. I think, deep down, he understands that, BUT he has to play the role expected of him.

Two years ago he (the Pope) was ALL about praying for peace in Ukraine & the Middle East. Well we all know he was totally impotent.

Now he appeals. Sensible. He is acting like an adult. I like that. Good on him.

Pope Francis, Thank God, Gives Up On Praying For Peace, Acts Like An Adult & APPEALS For Peace Instead.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘, a few minutes ago.

Click image to access my post from December 9, 2023.

This is SO GOOD. I am so impressed & happy.

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

He HAD to come to terms with the SAD FACT that his prayers are pointless & worthless.

Appealing to humans, as opposed to praying to God, is so, so much more ADULT & credible.

Way to GO, Francis.

You do impress me every once in awhile. That is OK. I am glad that you are willing to make changes.

Pope Francis Must STOP Praying For Peace. He Only Makes Things Worse, Proves He Is Naive & Demonstrates He Has No Say With GOD.

Click to ENLARGE & view here. Link to ‘Vatican News’.


Pope Francis has been praying for peace in Ukraine from day one. NOTHING. Nada. Useless.

Just as with his prayers for COVID. He ended up getting COVID. What a JOKE.

Peace in the Holy Land. A bit too late now.


The smartest thing Pope Francis ever did was ADMIT that he is NOT the ‘Vicar of Christ‘. Thank God for that. He has NO SAY WHATSOEVER with God. God ignores him. God banishes him to a wheelchair. God makes him look more impotent than a 97-year old eunuch.


Francis should just admit defeat. Confess that he is impotent & just get out of the way.