Tag Archives: power outage

Having Power Restored On Christmas Eve, After A 28-Hour Outage, Was One Heck Of A Christmas Gift.

by Anura Guruge
on December 24, 2022

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That was one heck of a storm. Most brutal I that I remember weathering in quite a long time. The howling winds, torrential bursts of rain & then to cap it all snow during the night.

We lost power Friday morning. I had been dreading that all week. I have a FEW IRRATIONAL fears & loathings & losing power is high among these. I can’t rationalize it. In the scheme of things, other than missing out on my beloved ‘time on my PC‘, it is not too disruptive. I keep 3 generators. We need 2 going to power about 1/2 of this 4-storey house. But, with those 2 generators going we have heat, water, stove, fridge, freezer, lights in the bedroom & some outlets. So we can function. BUT, I HATE LOSING POWER. Puts me on edge. Totally rattles I.

We had 2 generators running from ~9am to 11:30pm. We used about 7 gallons of gas. I made two trips to get gas — though in the end I had over 10 gallons on hand.

I expected that we would be out of power most of Christmas Eve as well! That was not a pleasant thought. I had things to do. I had to go to Laconia to ring the bell for ‘The Salvation Army‘. At 9:15am ‘Eversource’ could NOT give me as estimate as to when we might see out power restored.

As it transpired we had power back within 45 minutes of that call.

I am not complaining. I was delighted. I waited 30 minutes before disconnecting the generators just in case we lost power again. So far, so good. I am happy.

I am never sure about Eversource! But, I will thank them again.

They made my Christmas.

Christmas would have been a drag without power.

We Got 10″ Of Snow, A Big Tree Branch Snapped, Lost Power For 8-Hours, The Snowblowers Acted Up — BUT, We Lucked Out!

by Anura Guruge
on December 17, 2022

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All the leaves behind this SMALL tree are all that is left from the BIG branch that snapped off blocking our drive.

It is 8pm & there are still folks without power. YIKES. From ‘Eversource‘.

It was quite the nightmare day — BUT, I appreciate that we LUCKED OUT, BIG TIME. It could have been worse! I see that there are a lot of folks still without power. I truly feel bad for them. Even an hour after our power was restored at 1:09pm there were folks 1/2 mile away without power.

Two very kind folks, my young next door neighbor (Anthony (who is constantly helping me out)) & a total stranger who was plowing a driveway 2 -houses from us helped us clear away the BIG branch that was blocking our drive. They wielded chainsaws. Teischan, though still not well, hauled away all the bits while I was struggling with the snowblowers. By the time I was done she had cleared all the debris. That was pretty amazing. The gentleman who helped me out & also plowed the top of our drive to make things easier for us was Mr. Dan LaCroix. Thank you. He & Anthony saved our day.

It was wet, heavy snow like wet concrete. Clogged up the snowblowers. Glad I have two!

Well, we survived. It wasn’t a fun day. Between hauling the two generators (with help), plowing the drive (some of it by hand) & getting the branch taken down that was a lot of physical work. This is when I am glad that I am a tad fit.

Appears we have another storm a coming same time next week. Oh, what fun!

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Quite The T-Storm In New Hampshire On June 30, 2021; Tons Of Trees Down, We Lost Power For 11-Hours.

by Anura Guruge
on July 1, 2021

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Click image to access story from local TV station: WMUR TV.

It was quite the storm. Very fast moving but INTENSE as it passed. Haven’t seen anything of that intensity in some time. It was not a mini- nor micro-tornado, but it was strong.

A 1.5-miles from us they had an even stronger microburst. As I write this 28-hours later they are still trying to clear the trees from that stretch of road. I walked up there this morning with Rowen. Didn’t try to get up real close.

At 6pm today I heard that the road was still not open. Wow. That is bad. This could have been us! The 2008 tornado went right by us — maybe 1/4-mile away. This microburst was not that far away from the path of that tornado. Has to be a wind corridor. Yes, that we have two lakes side-by-side, so to speak, might have something to do with that.

As I write, close to midnight it is raining & has been for hours. Not hard. But enough. It did not stop me from getting in my 11pm 1-mile walk. I, however, did not take the dogs. They would have got soaked. I managed to stay dry. Got some decent rain gear. SMILE.

Well, from what I see, we have another 10-days of ‘interesting’ weather ahead. I will keep you posted.