Tag Archives: portable generator

The 24kW ‘Generac’ Whole-House Backup System Is NOW Fully Hooked-UP & Online.

by Anura Guruge
on June 29, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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All done — FINALLY.

Yes, it was from the start, planned to be a 3-day ‘installation’ given that the town had to approve the gas piping.

Today the propane was finally hooked up so that the generator could be cranked up for the first time. It started. We tested it. All seems to be working fine. The crucial ‘GREEN‘ light is on. (You can see it in the pictures, above).

Moriarty Electric Co.‘ in ‘Eliot’, Maine, did us proud. Very pleased. Very happy. Excellent. Very professional & a DELIGHTFUL crew. Got to meet 6 of them & it was an honor & pleasure.

Today we had the outstanding husband & wife pair that did the initial delivery, set-up & excavation for the pipe. They were great. Good. Good. Good.

Lot to learn about the Generac, but it is a relief to have it online.

The 24kW ‘Generac’ Whole-House Backup System — 2nd Day Of 3; Having The Electrical Done.

by Anura Guruge
on June 28, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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The ‘Generac’ automatic TRANSFER SWITCH below our electric panel.
N.B. Two MANUAL transfer switches for the portable generators.
YES, I am still keeping those. I will continue to have THREE (3) generators.

Again we had two crews (& hence 2 trucks). Given the non-stop rain they erected this CUTE pop-up tent by the Generac so that they could be relatively dry.

The ‘WHOLE HOUSE SURGE PROTECTOR’ (on left, in BLUE) — by Generac. It protects the panel from a surge.

The Generac being delivered on June 20, 2023.

Moriarty Electric Co.‘ in ‘Eliot’, Maine, always had it has a 3-day job. I was told this upfront. So, no surprises. Just as expected.

All has gone swimmingly. Very happy, so far.

Tomorrow is supposed to be the FINAL day. Getting the propane hooked up so that it can be started.

Today was electrical. Two electricians & their apprentices. Very impressed.

They were here for less than 6 hours.

More importantly, they only turned off the power, while they made the requisite electrical connections, for less than 40 minutes. WOW. We were happy. Minimal disruption.

Fingers crossed. Having this will be a relief.

The 24kW ‘Generac’ Whole-House Backup System Was Delivered Today.

by Anura Guruge
on June 20, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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I am happy. The 24kWatt ‘Generac’ is now physically installed though not connected to the propane or the house circuits. That is OK. That is next week.

Getting it all done via ‘Moriarty Electric Co.‘ in ‘Eliot’, Maine. They are exceptional & exemplary. They are handling all of it, soup-to-nuts (including the financing through Generac) — & I can’t be happier. It is, as far as I am concerned, a turn-key operation. They, starting with the owner, Mr. Mark Moriarty, sure know what they are doing.

The husband & wife crew that handled today’s installation, including all the trench digging, were OUTSTANDING. So good, so hardworking, helpful & pleasant. They will be back next week to do the connections ONCE the town has inspected the trench. All good. I am HAPPY.

It has taken me 7-months to get to this point. But, nearly all of that though had to do with getting a 500 gallon propane tank. Managed to finally have that delivered on June 1, 2023. And now today. So far, so good.

I will keep you posted. They are going to be working on it again, for 2 days, next week.

FINALLY, Today, Got A 500 Gallon Propane Tank Delivered For The 24kW ‘Generac’ I Am Getting. Took Me 7 Months!

by Anura Guruge
on June 1, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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I November of last year I, FINALLY, decided that we HAD TO GET a whole-house, backup generator. Though I own THREE (3) portable generators, & have done so for over a decade, I no longer was willing to deal/cope with all of the prolonged power outages we get, in this neck of the woods, in the winter. I am getting too old for this. I wanted a fully-automated, WHOLE HOUSE (with 20% to spare) ‘Generac‘ system that could run non-stop for at least 4 days.

We could get by with a 20kW generator but at full-load, IF it ever came to that, the generator would be running close to full-load. Given my 50-year background in ‘electronics’ I know that that while ‘OK’ is not acceptable. Best to have a generator that is never cranking at full-load. In the scheme of things the price differential between a 20kW & 24kW is not that ‘significant’. {It is all relative. SMILE.}

We only use propane for cooking. So we have 2 small tanks. Those two tanks, at best, would run a 24kW Generac for 18 hours. I wanted a 500 gallon tank.

WOW. It has taken me from November to TODAY, 7 months, to get that to happen. It has been absolutely amazing & astounding.

For a start nobody was willing to install a new tank during the winter — until all the snow was gone. Then there was a BACKLOG because of all the people waiting for new tanks.

Finally. Even then it was a comedy of errors. They were supposed to deliver it between 8am to 1pm. They were here at 6:30am! Then they JACKKNIFED their crane — i.e., accidentally bend it backward on itself. I couldn’t believe it. They had to go back & use ANOTHER crane to disentangle the mess they had got themselves into. They were back 2 hours later.

Finally, we have a 500 gallon tank with 50 gallons of propane in it. The tank is NOT hooked up.

Now I am waiting on the Generac. The company I am getting it from is going to do the trenching and the propane hookups. Well, that is another day, another story. But, at least ONE STEP forward.