Tag Archives: please

Making A Point Of Saying ‘THANK YOU’ Throughout The Year, Rather Than Just, Mindlessly, At Thanksgiving.

by Anura Guruge
on November 25, 2021

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Click image to access my heartfelt October 2021 post about MANNERS.

It amazes & saddens me how poor manners (aka bad manners) is rapidly becoming today’s norm. It never used to be like this. People used to automatically say ‘please‘ & ‘thank you‘. Now, on a near daily basis, I am finding that more & more people have real trouble being able to say ‘THANK YOU’. Some are so ignorant or self-absorbed that they don’t even realize/know that they should say ‘thank you’. Others appear to be embarrassed to say ‘THANK YOU’. I don’t get it. In my 2nd image above I highlight the salient facts.

IF you have trouble saying ‘THANK YOU’, you have some deep seated, profound psychological issues. Not being able to say ‘THANK YOU’ shows tremendous insecurity! Yep.

I genuinely feel bad for folks who don’t say ‘THANK YOU’. I laugh at them, in my head in their presence, & then make fun of them, with my family, in private. I also now have a new resolution. If a person doesn’t say THANK YOU, I quietly cut them off from my life. I don’t say anything to them. I just block them from my life, quite literally. I am not going to waste my time explaining stuff to them or hearing their sorry explanations. I just block them. Many don’t even realize that I am done with them. Through. That is OK. I don’t want to insult them. I don’t have the time for ‘discussions’. I just don’t have the time or patience for folks that can’t say ‘THANK YOU’.

Just my opinion. You can do whatever you wish. But, IF you don’t say ‘THANK YOU’ when you should have, you will never hear from me again. SMILE. Enjoy.

If you read this, or even glanced at it, I THANK YOU. Cheers.

Where Or Where Did All The Manners Go … Oh, Where Did They Ever Go?

by Anura Guruge
on October 2, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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My frustration, nay despair as to the lack of manners among folks ‘today’ is NOT new. I have been harping about it for years — as these two posts, from 2015 & 2013, testify.

Click to ENLARGE.

Being polite does NOT cost you anything — not even real effort. Being polite makes you LOOK good. Being polite makes you FEEL good.

But increasingly more & more folks are opting to be downright rude & as such downright ignorant.

It is NOT hard, at all, at all, to say ‘thank you‘, ‘please‘, ‘sorry’ or ‘have a good day‘. It is something easy to do.

My adoptive mother, very Victorian & an Anglophile, was obsessed with good manners & ‘class’. I had no choice. She was determined to make me into a proper ‘little’ gentleman with class. Consequently, being polite is second nature to I. I say & WRITEplease‘ & ‘thanks‘ reflexively. It is beyond automatic.

I am at a point in my life when I feel sorry — feel BAD — for folks who have trouble saying ‘thank you‘, ‘please‘ & ‘sorry’. I now realize that it is not just ignorance, cussedness & arrogance. It is an obvious & manifest sign of deep-seated INSECURITY! Yes, rude people are insecure deep down. Check it out. Look around you.

It is insecurity that stops them from being able to say: ‘thank you‘, ‘please‘ or ‘sorry’. They are scared that saying such would make them look weak. I kid you not. They, due to their insecurity, do NOT realized & appreciate that saying ‘thank you‘, ‘please‘ or ‘sorry’ makes you look strong — not to mention refined & polished.

C’est la vie. Life goes on.

I have never had much time for rude folks. Now as I get older I am getting more & more intransigent about this. I just can’t be bothered to deal with rude folks. My life is too short. I am started to just ignore them. The nice thing is that all of them are so insecure & self-centered that they don’t even notice being ignored. That is good. Because, I don’t want to appear to be rude. SMILE.

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