Tag Archives: physican

Joe Biden’s White House Physician, ‘Kevin O’Connor’, Is Fat (Maybe Obese). I Would NOT Trust Him!

by Anura Guruge
on July 6, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google‘.

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia.

I refuse to see overweight/obese doctors & dentists.

I am a great believer in the adage, “physician, heal thyself“.

If a doctor can’t look after himself/herself, what confidence can I have that they will know what is good for I.

I have walked out of doctors when I have discovered that they are FAT!

Hey, my body, my life, my money, MY RULES.

Fat doctors don’t inspire confidence in me. I think they are SLOBS. Sorry.

My preferences.

But, this could explain a LOT when it comes to what is ailing Biden these days.

Biden has an inept doctor.