Tag Archives: Pfizer

What We Can Learn From The Quad-Vaccinated ‘Pfizer’ Boss Getting COVID TWICE Within A Month.

by Anura Guruge
on September 26, 2022

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

This story about the ‘Pfizer‘ CEO getting COVID twice in a month, which I read this morning, was particularly poignant since I had just got my 3rd COVID BOOSTER, which was indeed Pfizer, just yesterday.

But, I immediately caught on, even before I go to the point where he points it out, that he HAD NOT got the 3rd booster.

In his case QUAD means the initial two shots he got PLUS 2 boosters. So, I am more boosted than he is.

But, what else can we learn.

1/ He is getting diagnosed with COVID because he is being regularly tested. I am NOT. I got tested a fair amount in 2020 because I was getting cataract surgery. Outside of that I had not been tested NOR have I bothered to check myself.

So LESSON 1: IF you are regularly tested, the chances are that they will find that you have COVID.

2/ LESSON 2: The vaccine nor the boosters can stop you from getting COVID.

I trust that we all knew that.

3/ LESSON 3: The vaccine PLUS boosters can mitigate the COVID symptoms to the point that you don’t even know you have it — unless you are TESTED.

I think this lesson is key.

That should be a real takeaway. The vaccine & boosters can make it mild to the point you don’t even know you have it. That is GOOD.

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The 1st Tick Of 2022, Off Our 100lbs Newfie, In Central New Hampshire (i.e., Alton).

by Anura Guruge
on April 3, 2022

Last week (left) & just yesterday, in the lake which still has some ice.

Yes, she was out for 2-hours this morning with me, off leash, way out in the woods on one of our ‘private’, secret trails.

It was cold both today & yesterday mornings, 32F yesterday & 36F today. So, it didn’t even occur to me that ticks would already be active.

So, a heads up. Be on the lookout for ticks.

My 15-year old daughter, whose dog Rowen is (though I do all the walking, feeding & 90% of the treats), spotted the tick, over her right eye, late in the afternoon.

She had also spent some time in her pen that runs the length of the house. The ground there would have been warmer given that 35% of the pen is under a covered deck.

Once I managed to hold her still getting the tick off was easy enough. It was NOT attached. It even looked pretty lifeless.

She does take ‘Simparica TRIO‘. We found it to be much more effective than ‘Frontline‘ etc.

Click image to access their website.

I just checked where we stood last year. This post was from April 25, 2021. Last year was bad. April 25 would have been three weeks hence. So, I guess we still have plenty of time for the ticks to become active.

Click image to access my post from a year ago.

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I Got My 2nd COVID-19 BOOSTER Today, 5-Months After My 1st Booster.

by Anura Guruge
on April 2, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Please don’t steal or reproduce. I am very shy.

Given my advanced years & uncertain health, I don’t want to take any chances. Plus, I am still convinced that my first shot — supposedly J&J was a FAKE. I think they injected me with some saline.

Well, now, at least, I have had 3 shots — two of them supposedly Pfizer. Note ‘supposedly‘. I hate to say this, BUT I don’t trust any of the folks involved in this. How do we know? How can we tell. Triple, quadruple vaccinated folks still end up getting COVID. Obama got COVID.

Well, at least I have tried.

As far as I am concerned it is a bloody miracle that I haven’t got COVID as yet. But, I am not complacent. I realize that I could get it tomorrow.

With the 1st booster I managed to get it within 21-hours of it getting approved.

With this the 2nd, I wasn’t in as much of a hurry. PLUS, I did not want to get it on April 1 — April Fools’ Day! So, I waited until today.

Lets see what transpires. Fingers crossed.

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I Got A ‘Pfizer’ BOOSTER To My Original ‘Johnson & Johnson’, COVID Vaccination At 4:28pm Today — In Wolfeboro, NH.

by Anura Guruge
on October 23, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Please don’t steal or reproduce. I am very shy.

I am rather chuffed that I managed to get a BOOSTER to my J&J 21-Hours After The CDC approval.

A bit bummed that I wasn’t the 1st to get a J&J booster in Wolfeboro. 2 others had beaten me. BUT, I am sure that those two didn’t amble 5-miles this morning BEFORE working on getting the 2nd shot.

I got my ‘over 65’ flu shot while I was at it. Not that I had much of a choice. Walgreen’s online system was rather insistent on that. I was going to get one — as I have done for the last 7 years or so. But, I prefer to get the flu shot around Thanksgiving. But, I wasn’t going to argue. Kill two birds with one stone — though that might not be the best wording to describe vaccinations.

This afternoon, around 1:50pm, I started by checking with the State. Saw that they had given the green light for J&J boosters. So, that was the first hurdle out of the way. I then called Hannafords — my local pharmacy. I kind of suspected that they would NOT be ready. I was right. They said “maybe by Tuesday“. Well, I was NOT going to wait.

I called ‘Walgreens’ in Wolfeboro, NH. I had taken my 15-year old daughter there, earlier this year, for her two COVID shots. I knew they were more on the ball than Hannaford. I called them. They said ‘YES’, but I had to make the appointment online. That was easy enough. I opted for a 4:20pm appointment, today.

The process was not entirely as smooth as I would have hoped. A Pfizer booster for the J&J was still NEW. Luckily the two pharmacist on duty KNEW their stuff — & helped the clerical staff get the paperwork done. There wasn’t as much paperwork involved — because it was a booster. That I had my COVID vaccination card expedited matters.

I was at the counter at 4:15. I was rolling down my sleeves, after getting BOTH shots, at 4:30pm. So, that wasn’t bad.

So far, so good. Haven’t felt a thing. I will keep you posted.

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J&J Could/Should Face Class Action Suit By Disgruntled COVID Vaccine Recipients (– I Among Them).

by Anura Guruge
on September 23, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

I kind of felt cheated from day one (& that is outside my belief that I (as a 4th-class alien was given a dose of saline)). There was, as you must recall, a stigma attached to the one-dose J&J COVID vaccine. It was the 2nd rate vaccine. The also ran.

The ‘Pfizer’ vaccine was the gold standard.

And now the booster shot debate has further accentuated this class distinction.

Those that got Pfizer get preferential treatment, those that got J&J just get screwed!

I am sure that there are ‘good’ lawyers out there busily collecting data on how many J&J vaccine recipients ended up still getting COVID — & (alas) how many have died. That would appear to be fertile grounds for a class action suit — accusing J&J of not being proactive enough in insisting on getting approval for a booster.

I could be wrong, but I have this nagging feeling that J&J is asking to be sued.

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