Tag Archives: packing foam

Delighted To See ‘Rotary International’ Taking The Lead In Packing Foam Recycling.

by Anura Guruge
on July 1, 2024

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This is wonderful. This packing foam recycling BIN appeared at our recycling center a couple of weeks ago. But, until today, I had NOT noticed that it was a ‘Rotary International‘ initiative. That made me very happy & proud.

Though I am, YET AGAIN, (temporarily) NOT a Rotarian — Rotary is dear to my heart. I just need to find another Club that doesn’t try to force me into PRAYING! Smile.

Not sure which Club is doing this, but it looks like a Global project. This is wonderful.

It always bothered me that we couldn’t recycle packing foam. Seemed such a waste. I always kept some at home because the thought of throwing it away seemed wrong.

Now, thanks to Rotary we have a great solution. Bravo, Rotary. Thank YOU, Rotary. I am so proud of you.

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