Tag Archives: OVO

‘Cirque du Soleil’: ‘OVO’, ‘Manchester’ [NH], Aug. 8, 2024 — I Felt Blessed.

by Anura Guruge
on August 9, 2024

We had seen this same show, i.e., ‘OVO‘, at the same arena, in 2016. I enjoyed it then, I enjoyed it AGAIN yesterday. I truly felt BLESSED to be there. Very fortunate.

This, as far as I can work out, was the 5th ‘Cirque du Soleil‘ I have seen. I hope to see a few more, with luck. Another item on my modest bucket list. Yes, I already have tickets for the ‘Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey‘ circus (at the same arena), for November. I go to as many circuses as I can. That said Cirque du Soleil is SPECIAL.

They are like no other. You feel gratified. You feel rewarded.

It is kind of cute. They have ALL the elements of a traditional circus, i.e., clowns, slapstick, acrobatics, aerialists, music, humor, etc., but they add their own peculiar, somewhat Canadian twist to all. For a start, all their performances are meant to be like a STAGE PLAY with sets, props and costumes. So, not a three-ring circus. A circus on a ‘stage’.

Then they make a point of talking gibberish. No English or French. Just made up gibberish. Very cute and clever. The humor is rather risque — & luckily most kids won’t get it.

Yes, it is true that NOT all their acts are world class. But, they always have two or three are. Those are SO, SO, SO GOOD that you don’t care that the others are not that special — & yes, here I am talking as one who has seen well over a 100 circuses. So, yes, I tend know what is average and what is exceptional.

To I, their vertical wall walking (below) is beyond world class. I have seen it before, but I can keep on watching it. It is magical. It appears to defy physics — never mind gravity.

Then there was the incredible and unbelievable hair hanging performer (below). WOW.

The other suspended and balancing acts were outstanding too.

Overall — WOW. As I said, I felt blessed.

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‘Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus’ IS BACK — I Am So Excited … I Rushed & Got Ticket.

by Anura Guruge
on June 25, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

I am a sucker for circuses.

I LOVE circuses.

I can’t get enough of circuses.

I have loved circuses all my life. Never grew out of my love for circuses. That I had 4 kids, across a 17-year span, gave me added impetus. I took them to a lot of circuses. The youngest went to her first, a ‘Big Apple Circus‘, when she was 3 weeks old. [And, yes, we got thrown out because she started crying. But, I got to watch most of it, standing up, from the back of the Big Tent.]

For nearly 20 years we went to at least one circus a year, usually two.

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, is my favorite — alongside ‘Cirque du Soleil‘, they each offering a different experience.

I was crushed when Ringling Brothers stopped in 2017. We made sure to attend their last performance in New Hampshire.

When I heard that they were coming back I was beyond thrilled. I rushed to buy a ticket.

As you know, I also have tickets for Cirque du Soleil, ‘OVO’, in August.

This one is in November. I am all set.

I am excited & happy. SMILE.

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‘Cirque du Soleil’ ‘OVO’, In New Hampshire — I Got Tickets.

by Anura Guruge
on May 29, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

Seeing as many ‘Cirque du Soleil‘ performances as I can is on my Bucket List. {Being the pragmatist I am & my modest circumstances, my bucket list is not fancy. Just small — but ATTAINABLE — goals.}

I will confess I was a late convert to Cirque. So, I missed many, many years & thus, many, many shows — particularly given that there was a time that I would go to ‘Vegas‘, on business, multiple times a year.

But, as far as I can recall, I have seen four (4) shows so far (& remember ‘they’ took quite the hit & hiatus during COVID). They have been: ‘OVO‘ in Manchester (NH) in 2016, ‘Mystere‘ (in Vegas in 2012), ‘Dralion‘ also in 2012 in Manchester , and ‘Varekai‘ in 2014, again in Manchester.

So, yes, we have seen ‘OVO’ before — but that was 8-years ago. We loved it then, & I know I will love this show. Yes, the shows are ‘expensive’ — especially if you like decent seats (& I, in my old age, don’t do ‘cheap seats’). {Smile}

Well, I will, of course, do a review after the show.

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